

Read the text and answer the following question.

    (JP, Jakarta) The Indonesia government and world wild fund (WWF) have announced a bold commitment to protect the remaining forest and critical ecosystem of Sumatra. WWF said the historic agreement represented the first-ever island- wide commitment to protect Sumatra’s stunning biodiversity.

    The commitment was announced Thursday at the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), world Conversation Congress in Barcelona and was endorsed by the governors of Sumatra’s 10 provinces- the world’s sixth-largest island- and also by four ministers. Sumatra is the only place in the world where tigers, elephants, orangutans and rhinos co-exist. The agreement commits all the governors in Sumatra, along with the Indonesia ministries of forestry, environment, home affairs and public works, to restore critical ecosystems in Sumatra and protect areas with high conservation values.

    WWF, Conservation International, Fauna and Flora International, Wildlife Conservation Society and other conservation groups working in Sumatra have agreed to help implement the political commitment to protect what remains of the island is species-rich forests and critical areas. The island has lost 48 percent of its natural forest cover since 1985. More than 13 percent of Sumatra’s remaining forests are peat forests, which sit a top the deepest peat soil in the world; clearing peat forests is a major source of carbon emissions that cause climate change.

The following parties are involved in the commitment to protect Sumatra’s biodiversity, EXCEPT ....

The following parties are involved in the commitment to protect Sumatra’s biodiversity, EXCEPT ....

  1. The Indonesia Conservation Group

  2. The minister of forestry

  3. The minister of public works

  4. The 10 governors of Sumatra

  5. The World Wildlife Fund

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B. Atlaliust

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Medan

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jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A.

jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A.


Soal ini menanyakan manakah yang tidak tergabung dalam komitmen melindungi keanekaragaman hayati Sumatera. Pada paragraf 2 kalimat terakhirtertulis: " The agreement commits all the governors in Sumatra , along with the Indonesia ministries of forestry , environment, home affairs and public works . " Pada paragraf 3 kalimat pertama tertulis: " WWF , Conservation International, Fauna and Flora International, Wildlife Conservation Society and other conservation groups working in Sumatra have agreed ... " Dari kedua informasi tersebut yang tidak disebut berkomitmen adalah The Indonesia Conservation Group . Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A.

Soal ini menanyakan manakah yang tidak tergabung dalam komitmen melindungi keanekaragaman hayati Sumatera.

Pada paragraf 2 kalimat terakhir tertulis: "The agreement commits all the governors in Sumatra, along with the Indonesia ministries of forestry, environment, home affairs and public works." Pada paragraf 3 kalimat pertama tertulis: "WWF, Conservation International, Fauna and Flora International, Wildlife Conservation Society and other conservation groups working in Sumatra have agreed ..."

Dari kedua informasi tersebut yang tidak disebut berkomitmen adalah The Indonesia Conservation Group.

Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A.

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Which of the following statement is true according to the text?



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