
The following dialog is for questions 9 to 12. Soraya: Excuse me, Sir. May I have your time, please? Mr. Alvian: Yes, please. Soraya: We would like to offer our products. Mr. Alvian: What's that? Soraya: We are the provider of home Internet connection. Are you interested in subscribing it? Mr. Alvian: Hmm... How much should I spend monthly? Soraya: For the first installation and monthly subscription, read this brochure. Mr. Alvin: Do you offer special prices? Soraya: If you subscribe in groups, in this case your neighbors, you will share the cost. Of course, it will be cheaper. Mr. Alvian: O.K. I will discuss it with my neighbors. Soraya: Here is my number, SIr. Feel free to contact me. Mr. Alvin: All right. Soraya says, "... you will share the cost." What is the similar meaning of the underlined word?

The following dialog is for questions 9 to 12.

Soraya: Excuse me, Sir. May I have your time, please?

Mr. Alvian: Yes, please.

Soraya: We would like to offer our products.

Mr. Alvian: What's that?

Soraya: We are the provider of home Internet connection. Are you interested in subscribing it?

Mr. Alvian: Hmm... How much should I spend monthly?

Soraya: For the first installation and monthly subscription, read this brochure.

Mr. Alvin: Do you offer special prices?

Soraya: If you subscribe in groups, in this case your neighbors, you will share the cost. Of course, it will be cheaper.

Mr. Alvian: O.K. I will discuss it with my neighbors.

Soraya: Here is my number, SIr. Feel free to contact me.

Mr. Alvin: All right.

Soraya says, "... you will share the cost."

What is the similar meaning of the underlined word? 

  1. Save.

  2. Divide. 

  3. Multiply. 

  4. Increase. 

  5. Decrease. 

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A. Lee

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Menurut kamus Merriam-Webster, share (v) memiliki arti memberi, membagi, atau menyalurkan. a. save (v) = menyimpan b. divide (v) = membagi ü c. multiply (v) = memperbanyak d. increase (v) = meningkatkan e. decrease (v) mengurangi Dari pilihan kata yang tersedia, kata divide memiliki arti yang sama dengan share . Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang benar adalah B. divide.

Menurut kamus Merriam-Webster, share (v) memiliki arti memberi, membagi, atau menyalurkan.

a. save (v) = menyimpan
b. divide (v) = membagi ü
c. multiply (v) = memperbanyak
d. increase (v) = meningkatkan
e. decrease (v) mengurangi

Dari pilihan kata yang tersedia, kata divide memiliki arti yang sama dengan share.

Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang benar adalah B. divide.


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Pertanyaan serupa

The following dialog is for questions 13 to 16. Rizal: Good morning, Ma'am. What can I do for you, please? Mrs. Rika: Good morning. I'd like to see doctor Indira. My son is sick. Rizal: Yes...



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