


The following dialog is for questions 6 to 9. Adelia: What do you think about this action figure? Dipta: Amazing! It looks so real. Adelia: Thanks. Dipta: By the way, where did you buy it? Adelia: I didn't buy this. I made it. Dipta: What? Did you make it yourself? Adelia: Yes, I did. Dipta: It's unbelievable! Where did you learn to make such a handicraft? Adelia: I learned it at Cosmo-figure School. I've learned a lot of things there. Dipta: Ibelieve you can get a lot of money from your expertise. Adelia: I hope so. From the dialog, we can conclude that ____.

The following dialog is for questions 6 to 9.

Adelia: What do you think about this action figure?

Dipta: Amazing! It looks so real.

Adelia: Thanks.

Dipta: By the way, where did you buy it?

Adelia: I didn't buy this. I made it.

Dipta: What? Did you make it yourself?

Adelia: Yes, I did.

Dipta: It's unbelievable! Where did you learn to make such a handicraft?

Adelia: I learned it at Cosmo-figure School. I've learned a lot of things there.

Dipta: I believe you can get a lot of money from your expertise.

Adelia: I hope so.

From the dialog, we can conclude that ____.space 

  1. Delia acts as an action figureundefined 

  2. Delia is very good at making craftsundefined 

  3. Dipta learns to make craftsundefined 

  4. Dipta gets a lot of money from his expertiseundefined 

  5. Delia and Dipta study at Cosmo-figure Schoolundefined 


A. Lee

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah B. Delia is very good at making crafts.

 jawaban yang tepat adalah B. Delia is very good at making crafts.




Dialog di atas menunjukkan penggunaan Expression of Asking for and Giving Opinions yaitu ungkapan yang digunakan untuk meminta dan memberikan pendapat. Soalnya menanyakan kesimpulan dari dialog tersebut. Berdasarkandialog diatas kesimpulanya adalah Delia sangat pandai membuat kerajinan tangan. Jadi,jawaban yang tepat adalah B. Delia is very good at making crafts.

Dialog di atas menunjukkan penggunaan Expression of Asking for and Giving Opinions yaitu ungkapan yang digunakan untuk meminta dan memberikan pendapat. Soalnya menanyakan kesimpulan dari dialog tersebut. Berdasarkan dialog diatas kesimpulanya adalah Delia sangat pandai membuat kerajinan tangan.

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah B. Delia is very good at making crafts.

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Pertanyaan serupa

The following dialog is for questions 6 to 9. Adelia: What do you think about this action figure? Dipta: Amazing! It looks so real. Adelia: Thanks. Dipta: By the way, where did you buy i...



Jawaban terverifikasi


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