


The following dialog is for questions 17 to 20. Ivan: You look very tired, Mom. You must have worked hard at home all day long. Mrs. Ella: Yes. Our maid returns home as her mother is sick. Ivan: How long will she stay there? Mrs. Ella: She told me that she will be staying there for at least three days. Ivan: I see. What can I do for you, Mom? Mrs. Ella: Please wash the dishes, dear. I am going to iron these clothes. Ivan: O.K., Mom. Anyway, why don't you go to the laundry for ironing? Mrs. Ella: No. I will do it myself. Occasionally we need to do housework by ourselves. Ivan: You're right, Mom. What does Mrs. Ella want to teach his son about?

The following dialog is for questions 17 to 20.

Ivan: You look very tired, Mom. You must have worked hard at home all day long.

Mrs. Ella: Yes. Our maid returns home as her mother is sick.

Ivan: How long will she stay there?

Mrs. Ella: She told me that she will be staying there for at least three days.

Ivan: I see. What can I do for you, Mom?

Mrs. Ella: Please wash the dishes, dear. I am going to iron these clothes.

Ivan: O.K., Mom. Anyway, why don't you go to the laundry for ironing?

Mrs. Ella: No. I will do it myself. Occasionally we need to do housework by ourselves.

Ivan: You're right, Mom.

What does Mrs. Ella want to teach his son about? 

  1. Honesty. 

  2. Politeness. 

  3. Carefulness. 

  4. Friendliness.

  5. Independence. 


A. Lee

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi




a. Honesty = kejujuran b. Politeness = kesopanan c. Carefulness = perhatian d. Friendliness = keramahan e. Independence = kemandirian Dari kalimat "Kadang kita perlu mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah kita sendiri" menunjukkan bahwa Ibu Ella ingin mengajarkan kemandirian kepada anaknya, Ivan. Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah E. Independence.

a. Honesty = kejujuran
b. Politeness = kesopanan
c. Carefulness = perhatian
d. Friendliness = keramahan 
e. Independence = kemandirian

Dari kalimat "Kadang kita perlu mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah kita sendiri" menunjukkan bahwa Ibu Ella ingin mengajarkan kemandirian kepada anaknya, Ivan.

Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah E. Independence.

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!


Chantika Cahya Noverhyne

Makasih ❤️



Pertanyaan serupa

The following dialog is for questions 17 to 20. Ivan: You look very tired, Mom. You must have worked hard at home all day long. Mrs. Ella: Yes. Our maid returns home as her mother is sick. ...



Jawaban terverifikasi


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