


The following dialog is for number 1 - 4 Keyza : Hi Wulan, congratulations on your birthday..................................... (A) Look, everybody is enjoying the party and they look so exited. Wulan : Hi Keyza, thank you for coming to my birthday party. You look ..........(B) in that red dress. How beautiful you are. Keyza : Oh thank you Wulan. It was a gift from my cousin. Well, I love your dress too. You’re looking glamorous . I must know the name of your tailor so that I can buy a nice dress like yours. Wulan : Well, it was designed by my aunt. She is a local designer. So, just enjoy the party, I will greet the other guests. The word “ glamorous ” is close in meaning with these verbs, except.....

The following dialog is for number 1 - 4

Keyza              : Hi Wulan, congratulations on your birthday..................................... (A)

                          Look, everybody is enjoying the party and they look so exited.

Wulan              : Hi Keyza, thank you for coming to my birthday party. You look ..........(B) in

                          that red dress. How beautiful you are.

Keyza              : Oh thank you Wulan. It was a gift from my cousin. Well, I love your dress

                          too. You’re looking glamorous. I must know the name of your tailor

                          so that I can buy a nice dress like yours.

Wulan              : Well, it was designed by my aunt. She is a local designer. So, just enjoy the

                          party, I will greet the other guests.


The word “glamorous” is close in meaning with these verbs, except.....

  1. Attractive

  2. Chic

  3. Dazzling

  4. Atrocious

  5. Glittering


A. Nurafni

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah D.

jawaban yang benar adalah D.



Kata “glamorous” memiliki arti “sangat cantik atau mempesona.” Dan dari kelima kata di atas, kata “attractive, chic, dazzling dan glittering” memiliki arti yang hampir sama dengan “glamorous.” Hanya satu kata yang artinya berbeda yaitu “atrocious” karena “atrocious” memiliki arti “mengerikan.” Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah D.

Kata “glamorous” memiliki arti “sangat cantik atau mempesona.” Dan dari kelima kata di atas, kata “attractive, chic, dazzling dan glittering” memiliki arti yang hampir sama dengan “glamorous.” Hanya satu kata yang artinya berbeda yaitu “atrocious” karena “atrocious” memiliki arti “mengerikan.” Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah D.

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Pertanyaan serupa

The following dialog is for number 5 - 7 Daniel : Wow that was fantastic !!! I must congratulate you on your performance. It was ............................ (A) Adam : Thanks a lot.............



Jawaban terverifikasi


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