
The following dialog is for cauestions 13 to 15. Sita: Hi, Gung. Where are you going? Agung: Hi, Sita. I'm going to a grocery to buy vegetables and spices. Sita: You buy vegetables and spices? Cool! Agung: Why are you surprised? I always do this. You know, I love helping my mom cook. Sita: I really appreciate it. I think boys should learn how to cook. Agung: Right. You know what? In my experience, by being able to cook, l'm independent. I don't needto wait for my mom to cook, as I can cook my food as I wish. Sita: Great! That's what I like about you. You always do what you want to do, no matter what people say. What can we learn from the dialog?

The following dialog is for cauestions 13 to 15.

Sita: Hi, Gung. Where are you going?

Agung: Hi, Sita. I'm going to a grocery to buy vegetables and spices.

Sita: You buy vegetables and spices? Cool!

Agung: Why are you surprised? I always do this. You know, I love helping my mom cook.

Sita: I really appreciate it. I think boys should learn how to cook.

Agung: Right. You know what? In my experience, by being able to cook, l'm independent. I don't need to wait for my mom to cook, as I can cook my food as I wish.

Sita: Great! That's what I like about you. You always do what you want to do, no matter what people say.

What can we learn from the dialog?space 

  1. Just do what we want to do.undefined 

  2. We must respect people's choices.undefined 

  3. We must be independent.undefined 

  4. Cooking activities are benefial.undefined 

  5. Let's do our tasks seriously.undefined 

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A. Lee

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah A.Just do what we want to do.

  jawaban yang tepat adalah A. Just do what we want to do.undefined



Dialog di atas menunjukkan penggunaan Expression of Asking for and Giving Opinions yaitu ungkapan yang digunakan untuk meminta dan memberikan pendapat. Soal diatas menanyakan apa yang dapat kita pelajari dari teks tersebut. Untuk menjawab soal tersebut, kita dapat membaca dialog Sita berupa, "Great! That's what I like about you. You always do what you want to do, no matter what people say" yang artinya adalah "Hebat! Itulah yang aku suka darimu. Kamu selalu melakukan apa yang ingin kamu lakukan, tidak peduli apa yang orang katakan". Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah A.Just do what we want to do.

Dialog di atas menunjukkan penggunaan Expression of Asking for and Giving Opinions yaitu ungkapan yang digunakan untuk meminta dan memberikan pendapat.

Soal diatas menanyakan apa yang dapat kita pelajari dari teks tersebut. Untuk menjawab soal tersebut, kita dapat membaca dialog Sita berupa, "Great! That's what I like about you. You always do what you want to do, no matter what people say" yang artinya adalah "Hebat! Itulah yang aku suka darimu. Kamu selalu melakukan apa yang ingin kamu lakukan, tidak peduli apa yang orang katakan".

Jadi,  jawaban yang tepat adalah A. Just do what we want to do.undefined

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Pertanyaan serupa

The following dialog is for cauestions 16and17. Ika: Do you think that girls should join martial arts? Owi: I think so. In my opinion, by having the ability to fight, they canlook after themse...



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