


This text is for questions 7 to 8

Dieng Plateau

    Dieng Plateau is the second vastest highland in the world after Nepal in the Himalayas. In the early 19th century a temple complex was discovered on the plateau with 13 inscriptions in Sanskrit, one of which mentions Dihyang, believed to be the origin of the name Dieng. Di means a high place and hyang refers to deities, thus implying an abode of the gods.

    At an altitude of 2,000 meters, Dieng is easily accessible from Wonosobo city to the north, which makes the plateau more often considered par of Wonosobo Regency, although technically it also belongs to Banjarnegara Regency. 

   The plateau offers a mixture of nature, heritage, and tourism sites. There are some beautiful lakes, hills, breathtaking scenery, as well as refreshing tea and coffee plantations. Dieng Plateau is at its best in the morning before the mist and damp sets in, so try to arrive at the temples early and bring warm clothes and waterproofs.

The first paragraph mostly tells about ....

The first paragraph mostly tells about  ....

  1. The history of Dieng temple

  2. The location of Dieng Plateau

  3. The areas of Dieng Plateau

  4. The temple complex in Dieng Plateau

  5. The origin of the name "Dieng"


N. Puspita

Master Teacher

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jawaban yang benar adalah E.

jawaban yang benar adalah E.




Soal ini berarti "Paragraf pertama membahas tentang ...." Paragraf pertama dalam teks ini adalah identification dan dalam paragraf ini membahas asal usul nama Dieng. Sesuai kalimat berikut ini "In the early 19th century a temple complex was discovered on the plateau with 13 inscriptions in Sanskrit, one of which mentions Dihyang, believed to be the origin of the name Dieng. Di means a high place and hyang refers to deities, thus implying an abode of the gods" Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang benar adalah E.

Soal ini berarti "Paragraf pertama membahas tentang ...." Paragraf pertama dalam teks ini adalah identification dan dalam paragraf ini membahas asal usul nama Dieng. Sesuai kalimat berikut ini "In the early 19th century a temple complex was discovered on the plateau with 13 inscriptions in Sanskrit, one of which mentions Dihyang, believed to be the origin of the name Dieng. Di means a high place and hyang refers to deities, thus implying an abode of the gods"

Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang benar adalah E.

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