


The dialogue is for the following question. Tiara: Why did you still wear your old dress? Marry: I didn’t have enough money to buy a new one. Tiara: You could have bought a new dress at the mega sale a week ago. What is correct interrogative passive form of the underlined sentence?

The dialogue is for the following question.

Tiara: Why did you still wear your old dress?

Marry: I didn’t have enough money to buy a new one.

Tiara: You could have bought a new dress at the mega sale a week ago.

What is correct interrogative passive form of the underlined sentence?space space 

  1. A new dress could have been bought.space space 

  2. Could you have bought a new dress?space space 

  3. Could you have been bought a new dress?space space 

  4. Could a new dress have bought by you?space space 

  5. Could a new dress have been bought by you?space space 


K. Dillan

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah E.

pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah E.space space 



Soal menanyakan bentuk kalimat pertanyaan pasif dari kalimat yang bergaris bawah pada dialog. Kalimat You could have bought a new dress merupakan kalimat aktif positif dengan past modals ( could + have ). Adapun polakalimat pertanyaan bentuk pasif dengan past modals adalah sebagai berikut. Modals + subject + have + been + verb 3 + (by + object) ? Berdasarkan pola tersebut, kalimat tanya pasif yang tepat adalah Could a new dress have been bought by you? Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah E.

Soal menanyakan bentuk kalimat pertanyaan pasif dari kalimat yang bergaris bawah pada dialog.

Kalimat You could have bought a new dress merupakan kalimat aktif positif dengan past modals (could + have). Adapun pola kalimat pertanyaan bentuk pasif dengan past modals adalah sebagai berikut.

Modals + subject + have +  been + verb 3 + (by + object) ?

Berdasarkan pola tersebut, kalimat tanya pasif yang tepat adalah Could a new dress have been bought by you?

Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah E.space space 

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