


The box turtles is a species like no other. With a beautifully powerful shell and gentle demeanor, its popular among pet owners and wildlife enthusiast alike. This timid creature is native to both the United States and Mexico, though there is an Asian species of box turtles diving in the Eastern regions of the globe. Box turtles are easy-going reptiles whose needs in captivity are highly compex, though this does not stop animal lovers from making them common pets They can be recognized by their dome shells, which are tinged at the bottom, making them possible for the turtles to close their shells tightly to keep predators out. Because most wild turtles live in climates that have a wide range of temperature, they need to hibernate three to five months out of the year in order to stay alive. During these cold temperature sells, food is not as plentiful and the weather does not permit normal bodily functioning. It is during this time turtles tuck themselves tightly into their uniquely hatched shells and stay sheltered until spring. While some may assure this is a safe period, it is actually quite dangerous. These turtles must retail minimal bodily function: digestion stops, heart rate shows, and eyes movemnet cease. This period is common for turtles deaths. What can be concluded from the text?

The box turtles is a species like no other. With a beautifully powerful shell and gentle demeanor, its popular among pet owners and wildlife enthusiast alike. This timid creature is native to both the United States and Mexico, though there is an Asian species of box turtles diving in the Eastern regions of the globe.

Box turtles are easy-going reptiles whose needs in captivity are highly compex, though this does not stop animal lovers from making them common pets They can be recognized by their dome shells, which are tinged at the bottom, making them possible for the turtles to close their shells tightly to keep predators out.

Because most wild turtles live in climates that have a wide range of temperature, they need to hibernate three to five months out of the year in order to stay alive. During these cold temperature sells, food is not as plentiful and the weather does not permit normal bodily functioning.

It is during this time turtles tuck themselves tightly into their uniquely hatched shells and stay sheltered until spring. While some may assure this is a safe period, it is actually quite dangerous. These turtles must retail minimal bodily function: digestion stops, heart rate shows, and eyes movemnet cease. This period is common for turtles deaths.


What can be concluded from the text?

  1. Young and old peoplelove to keep box turtles

  2. Box turtles can be found in Australia continent.

  3. Box turtles always hide their heads under their shells

  4. Few box turtles may never wake up after hibernating

  5. Box turtles spend most of their time in a year by hibernating


A. Mufida

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi



Berdasarkan paragraf terakhir dijelaskan bahwa pada musim dingin the box turtles akan berhibernasi dan masuk kedalam cangkangnya yang unik sampai musim semi. Namun pada kalimat lainnya menyatakan “this period is common for turtle deaths” bahwa periode tersebut bisa saja membuat kura-kura tersebut mati. Maka dapat diasumsikan bahwa beberapa dari kura-kura kotak bisa saja tidak kembali bangun setelah hibernasi.

Berdasarkan paragraf terakhir dijelaskan bahwa pada musim dingin the box turtles akan berhibernasi dan masuk kedalam cangkangnya yang unik sampai musim semi. Namun pada kalimat lainnya menyatakan “this period is common for turtle deaths” bahwa periode tersebut bisa saja membuat kura-kura tersebut mati. Maka dapat diasumsikan bahwa beberapa dari kura-kura kotak bisa saja tidak kembali bangun setelah hibernasi.

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