

The Bangkok Tuk Tuk ( pronounced took-took ) is probably every visitor's favourite means of transport. They have an undeniable appeal and quality to them that makes them irresistible to all that come to Bangkok or Thailand. The Tuk Tuk is a three wheeled, motorised rickshaw and can seat, comfortably, two adults but it is common to see 6 or 7 students crammed in, all sharing the fare. Bangkok Tuk Tuks are a great way of traveling short distances and as long as you are not expecting to do any sight seeing along the way. We say this because the canopy that covers the Tuk Tuk slants downwards towards at exactly eye level so that the passengers are losing their chances to see what is going on around unless one sits on another person's lap. Passengers of tuk-tuk cannot see what is going on around them because ...

The Bangkok Tuk Tuk ( pronounced took-took ) is probably every visitor's favourite means of transport. They have an undeniable appeal and quality to them that makes them irresistible to all that come to Bangkok or Thailand.

The Tuk Tuk is a three wheeled, motorised rickshaw and can seat, comfortably, two adults but it is common to see 6 or 7 students crammed in, all sharing the fare.

Bangkok Tuk Tuks are a great way of traveling short distances and as long as you are not expecting to do any sight seeing along the way. We say this because the canopy that covers the Tuk Tuk slants downwards towards at exactly eye level so that the passengers are losing their chances to see what is going on around unless one sits on another person's lap.


Passengers of tuk-tuk cannot see what is going on around them because ...

  1. the covers of tuk-tuk slant downwards

  2. their positions during the journey is great

  3. the sight along the way is not good enough

  4. their views are blocked by tuk-tuk' cannopy

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A. Setyawan

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Sebelas Maret

Jawaban terverifikasi


Penumpang Tuk Tuk tidak dapat melihat sekeliling karena penutup Tuk Tuk nya menjulai ke bawah. Hal ini didukung dengan kalimat kedua paragraf terakhir, We say this because the canopy that covers the Tuk Tuk slants downwards… (Hal ini dikarenakan kanopi penutup Tuk Tuk menjulai ke bawah…). Maka jawaban A adalah jawaban yang tepat.

Penumpang Tuk Tuk tidak dapat melihat sekeliling karena penutup Tuk Tuk nya menjulai ke bawah. Hal ini didukung dengan kalimat kedua paragraf terakhir, We say this because the canopy that covers the Tuk Tuk slants downwards… (Hal ini dikarenakan kanopi penutup Tuk Tuk menjulai ke bawah…). Maka jawaban A adalah jawaban yang tepat.

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