
Fill in the blank with the appropriate words.

Making a Fish Pond

    At last year holiday I didn’t go ____(1).

    I just stay at home for the whole month. It was not too bad to spend the holiday at home because I had ____(2) to do. I did a small project building a small fishpond at home. 

    What I need is river sand, cement, and some tools. I ____(3) the middle space of my yard. After that, I made the design.

    Anyway, I would like to keep some koi fish at that fishpond, so that I had to make the ____(4) as well as I can. I preferred to choose the nature landscape as the model.

    I did it alone, day and night. I was so happy to do that.

    After two weeks, I ____(5) it. It was a small beautiful fishpond with nature landscape designed.

    ____(6) I put on it some koi fish, I fill the water and waited for about two weeks to make sure that the ____(7) was free from 

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The appropriate word to fill in blank (7) is...

The appropriate word to fill in blank (7) is...


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D. Enty

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah fishpond.

jawaban yang tepat adalah fishpond.undefined 



"I fill the water and waited for about two weeks to make sure that the ____(7) was free from poison" artinya "saya isi airnya dan menunggu sekitar dua minggu untuk memastikan bahwa ____ (7) bebas dari racun". yang diisi air merupakan wadah yang ada ikannya. Jika mengacu kepada judulnya "Making a fish ponds" yang memiliki arti "Membuat kolam ikan" Dengan demikian, jawaban yang tepat adalah fishpond. Enable Ginger Cannot connect to Ginger Check your internet connection or reload the browser Disable in this text field Edit Edit in Ginger Edit in Ginger ×

"I fill the water and waited for about two weeks to make sure that the ____(7) was free from poison" artinya "saya isi airnya dan menunggu sekitar dua minggu untuk memastikan bahwa ____ (7) bebas dari racun". yang diisi air merupakan wadah yang ada ikannya. Jika mengacu kepada judulnya "Making a fish ponds" yang memiliki arti "Membuat kolam ikan"

Dengan demikian, jawaban yang tepat adalah fishpond.undefined 

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What is the answer to number 5?



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