


Complete this dialogue with the conjunctive adverbs: nevertheless, even if and in spite of.

Sandrina: Hey, David! What are you reading?

David: I am reading a novel.

Sandrina: What's the title?

David: Never Lost Hope by Kim Novak.

Sandrina: It looks like a very thick novel. I prefer reading short stories to novels. I have to spend weeks reading a novel, but I just spend about one hour reading a short story. (1) ____ I have a real intention in reading a novel, I will not read one.

David: Uhmm... as for me, I prefer reading a novel. Novels are long, usually with multiple chapters. (2) ____ novels create more characters, multiple important events, and are more in-depth characterisation.

Sandrina: Yes, you're right. Short stories are just that short. (3) ____ Short stories are usually more focused, centering on one major conflict.

David: That's right. I think you don't have to read a novel in a single sitting.

Sabrina: Well, (4) ____ I had much time to read a novel, I still couldn't finish reading a novel. I mean I leave it unfinished.

David: (5) ____ its multiple events, I still like reading novels.

the appropriate conjunctive adverb to fill in the blank question1 is ____.

the appropriate conjunctive adverb to fill in the blank question 1 is ____.

  1. nevertheless

  2. even if

  3. in spite of


A. Acfreelance

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang paling tepat adalah B .

jawaban yang paling tepat adalah B.undefinedundefined



Kata kunci dalam soal adalah "_ ___ I have a real intention in reading a novel, I will not read one" , yang artinya adalah bahwa ____ saya benar-benar berkeinginan untuk membaca novel, saya tidak akan membacanya satupun .Kalimat tersebut mengarah ke jenis kalimat conditional sentence karena pasangan dalam kalimat tersebut berupa kalimat simple present tense dan simple future tense . Maka, konjungsi atau kata hubung yang sesuai adalah " even if " Jadi jawaban yang paling tepat adalah B .

Kata kunci dalam soal adalah "____ I have a real intention in reading a novel, I will not read one", yang artinya adalah bahwa ____ saya benar-benar berkeinginan untuk membaca novel, saya tidak akan membacanya satupun. Kalimat tersebut mengarah ke jenis kalimat conditional sentence karena pasangan dalam kalimat tersebut berupa kalimat simple present tense dan simple future tense. Maka, konjungsi atau kata hubung yang sesuai adalah "even if"

Jadi jawaban yang paling tepat adalah B.undefinedundefined

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Pertanyaan serupa

Complete the following sentences with suitable clauses which show contrast. Read your work aloud, in turns. Though ____, mother continues working.



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