
Tarragon Corn Chowder Recipe Ingredients: - 4 ears corn - 3 bay leaves - 3 tbsp unsalted butter - 4 small potatoes, cut into chunks - 1 cup chopped onion - Salt - 1 cup chopped fennel bulb - 1/2 cup white wine - 2 minced garlic - 1-2 tbsp fresh chopped tarragon Method: (1) Grill the corn directly over heat 10-15 minute to get extra flavor. (2) Cut the corn kerneis away from the cobs (3) Boil 6 cups water and bay leaves and add the corn cobs to make corn broth (4) Heat the pot; add butter, chopped onion, fennel and garlic. Sauté for about 5 minutes. (5) Add the white wine and boil them down by half. Add potatoes to the pot with onions and fennel, then pour in the corn broth. Stir well and add salt to taste. Simmer gently until potatoes are tender. (6) Last, add the fresh tarragon to the pot. “ Simmer gently until the potatoes are tender.” (step 5) The underline word means …

Tarragon Corn Chowder Recipe
- 4 ears corn                           - 3 bay leaves
- 3 tbsp unsalted butter           - 4 small potatoes, cut into chunks
- 1 cup chopped onion            - Salt
- 1 cup chopped fennel bulb   - 1/2 cup white wine
- 2 minced garlic                     - 1-2 tbsp fresh chopped tarragon

(1) Grill the corn directly over heat 10-15 minute to get extra flavor.
(2) Cut the corn kerneis away from the cobs
(3) Boil 6 cups water and bay leaves and add the corn cobs to make corn broth
(4) Heat the pot; add butter, chopped onion, fennel and garlic. Sauté for about 5 minutes.
(5) Add the white wine and boil them down by half. Add potatoes to the pot with onions and fennel, then pour in the corn broth. Stir well and add salt to taste. Simmer gently until potatoes are tender.
(6) Last, add the fresh tarragon to the pot.

 “Simmer gently until the potatoes are tender.” (step 5) The underline word means …  

  1. Cook

  2. Fry

  3. Bake

  4. Grill

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S. Sumiati

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jawaban terverifikasi


Berdasarkan kalimat “ Simmer gently until the potatoes are tender.”, dapat diketahui bahwa diintruksikan untuk mendidihkan secara perlahan hingga kentangnya lunak. Kata ‘simmer’ memiliki arti ‘didihkan’ atau memanaskan di bawah titik didih sehingga sinonim yang tepat untuk kata tersebut adalah pilihan jawaban (A) yaitu ‘cook’ atau ‘masak’. Pilihan jawaban (B) ‘fry’ atau ‘goreng’, (C) ‘bake’ atau ‘bakar’ dan (D) ‘grill’ atau ‘panggang’ bukanlah sinonim yang tepat.

Berdasarkan kalimat “Simmer gently until the potatoes are tender.”, dapat diketahui bahwa diintruksikan untuk mendidihkan secara perlahan hingga kentangnya lunak. Kata ‘simmer’ memiliki arti ‘didihkan’ atau memanaskan di bawah titik didih sehingga sinonim yang tepat untuk kata tersebut adalah pilihan jawaban (A) yaitu ‘cook’ atau ‘masak’. Pilihan jawaban (B) ‘fry’ atau ‘goreng’, (C) ‘bake’ atau ‘bakar’ dan (D) ‘grill’ atau ‘panggang’ bukanlah sinonim yang tepat.

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