
Read Tono’s description about his English teacher carefully and answer the questions!

    Mr. Rudi is a teacher. He is tall and thin. His hair is straight. He has a mustache and wears glasses. He teaches English in SMP 2. He usually goes to school by car. His wife is a doctor. She works in Siloam hospital. Mrs. Heni is not tall. She is thin. Her hair is long and wavy. She also wears glasses like her husband.

    Mr. Rudi has two children. They are Budi and Devi. Budi is 15 years old. He is in the third year of SMP 3. He is tall and thin. His hair is straight like his father. His skin is light. Devi is 11 years old. She is an Elementary student. She is short but not fat. Her hair is wavy and long. She is beautiful.

State TRUE or FALSE based on the text. He is thin.

State TRUE or FALSE based on the text.

He is thin.

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E. Mardiana

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

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pertanyaan " He is thin " adalah TRUE.

pertanyaan "He is thin" adalah TRUE.


Pernyataan " He is thin " atau jika kita artikan adalah " Dia kurus " adalahBenar, karena senada dengan kalimat pada paragraf pertama kalimat kedua yakni " He is tall and thin " artinya " Dia tinggi dan kurus ". Dengan demikian, pertanyaan " He is thin " adalah TRUE.

Pernyataan "He is thin" atau jika kita artikan adalah "Dia kurus" adalah Benar, karena senada dengan kalimat pada paragraf pertama kalimat kedua yakni "He is tall and thin" artinya "Dia tinggi dan kurus".

Dengan demikian, pertanyaan "He is thin" adalah TRUE.

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