

See the words in the box to check your spelling. Eid al-Fitr (1) ____. My family and I prepare our baggage.We (2) ____ to the Province of Aceh. It isjust in a week after the Islamic religious festival. My grandparents from mom (3) ____ in the District of Pidie. It is four hours driving from the capital city: Banda Aceh. We (4) ____ from Jakarta to Banda Aceh. The flight takes about three hours. We always ____ (5) ____ Baiturrahman Great Mosque when we are in Banda Aceh. Then, we (6) ____ for Pidie by bus. My grandparents' house is small. So, we (7) ____ in a hotel. We(8) ____ our rooms. We make the reservation when we (9) ____. There are only three rooms available. How lucky we are! After check-in, we (10) ____ in our rooms.

See the words in the box to check your spelling.

    Eid al-Fitr (1) ____. My family and I prepare our baggage. We (2) ____ to the Province of Aceh. It is just in a week after the Islamic religious festival.

    My grandparents from mom (3) ____ in the District of Pidie. It is four hours driving from the capital city: Banda Aceh. We (4) ____ from Jakarta to Banda Aceh. The flight takes about three hours. 

    We always ____ (5) ____ Baiturrahman Great Mosque when we are in Banda Aceh. Then, we (6) ____ for Pidie by bus. My grandparents' house is small. So, we (7) ____ in a hotel. We (8) ____ our rooms. We make the reservation when we (9) ____. There are only three rooms available. How lucky we are! After check-in, we (10) ____ in our rooms.

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R. Rani

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi bagian rumpangadalah We don't bookour rooms.

kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi bagian rumpang adalah We don't book our rooms.


Pembahasan no.9 Soal menanyakan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat rumpang pada wacana menggunakan pilihan jawaban yang disediakan. Kalimat " We(8) ____ our rooms ." bermakna "Kami ____ kamar kami." Berdasarkan konteks wacana, rumpang lebih tepat jika dilengkapi oleh frasa " don't book. " Dengan demikian, kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi bagian rumpangadalah We don't bookour rooms.

Pembahasan no.9

Soal menanyakan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat rumpang pada wacana menggunakan pilihan jawaban yang disediakan.

Kalimat "We (8) ____ our rooms." bermakna "Kami ____ kamar kami."

Berdasarkan konteks wacana, rumpang lebih tepat jika dilengkapi oleh frasa "don't book."

Dengan demikian, kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi bagian rumpang adalah We don't book our rooms.

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Pertanyaan serupa

Fill the gap with one of the words in the bracket! 9. Juli doesn't____in the city center anymore. (live/lives)



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