


Samosir is an island located in North Sumatra. It’s surrounded by Lake Toba. Samosir Island and Lake Toba were formed after the eruption of a supervolcano some 75.000 years ago. Samosir is an island within an island. It has cool air. Many tourists come there to enjoy the beauty of the island and Lake Toba. Samosir also still has many cultural and historical heritage. There are bataknese traditional house, stone tombs, and monuments. What is the best title for the text?

Samosir is an island located in North Sumatra. It’s surrounded by Lake Toba. Samosir Island and Lake Toba were formed after the eruption of a supervolcano some 75.000 years ago. Samosir is an island within an island. It has cool air. Many tourists come there to enjoy the beauty of the island and Lake Toba. Samosir also still has many cultural and historical heritage. There are bataknese traditional house, stone tombs, and monuments.


What is the best title for the text?space space 

  1. Lake Tobaspace space 

  2. An Islandspace space 

  3. Samosir Islandspace space 

  4. North Sumatraspace space 


A. Mufida

Master Teacher

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Karena teks tersebut merupakan deskripsi singkat Pulau Samosir, maka judul yang paling tepat untuk teks tersebut adalah C. Samosir Island .

Karena teks tersebut merupakan deskripsi singkat Pulau Samosir, maka judul yang paling tepat untuk teks tersebut adalah C. Samosir Island.space space 

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