


Riding on a canal bus is an enjoyable and relaxed way of getting around Amsterdam canals and it takes you to pass all the city’s top sights. You’ll see many kinds of buildings, from historic ones to the city’s narrowest houses. Canal bus boats also cruise along the most famous canals, bringing you to Amsterdam’s major museums, such as Van Gogh Museum, the Rijkos-Museum and the Anm Frank house. On board we provide a multilingual commentary. Our comfortable boats offer a frequent and regular service with 4 routes and 20 stops. Including 6 transfer points. The stops are located near the museum, shopping district and tourist attractions. Your 24 hours ticket allows you to hop and off as often as you like. What is paragraph two about?

                Riding on a canal bus is an enjoyable and relaxed way of getting around Amsterdam canals and it takes you to pass all the city’s top sights. You’ll see many kinds of buildings, from historic ones to the city’s narrowest houses. Canal bus boats also cruise along the most famous canals, bringing you to Amsterdam’s major museums, such as Van Gogh Museum, the Rijkos-Museum and the Anm Frank house.

                On board we provide a multilingual commentary. Our comfortable boats offer a frequent and regular service with 4 routes and 20 stops. Including 6 transfer points.

                The stops are located near the museum, shopping district and tourist attractions. Your 24 hours ticket allows you to hop and off as often as you like.

What is paragraph two about?

  1. The schedule of canal bus boat. 

  2. The canal bus boat services.

  3. The cost of canal bus.

  4. Routes of the bus.


N. Supriyaningsih

Master Teacher

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Ide pokok paragraph kedua adalah tentang layanan-layanan yang dapat digunakan oleh para penumpang pengguna Bus Kanal, maka jawaban B adalah jawaban yang tepat. Jawaban A salah karena paragraf tersebut tidak membahas tentang jadwal Bus Kanal. Jawaban C salah karena biaya naik Bus Kanal tidak ada dalam paragraph kedua. Jawaban D juga salah karena paragraf kedua tidak hanya membahas rute Bus Kanal tetapi masih ada layanan-layanan lainnya yang dapat dinikmati oleh para pengguna Bus Kanal tersebut.

Ide pokok paragraph kedua adalah tentang layanan-layanan yang dapat digunakan oleh para penumpang pengguna Bus Kanal, maka jawaban B adalah jawaban yang tepat. Jawaban A salah karena paragraf tersebut tidak membahas tentang jadwal Bus Kanal. Jawaban C salah karena biaya naik Bus Kanal tidak ada dalam paragraph kedua. Jawaban D juga salah karena paragraf kedua tidak hanya membahas rute Bus Kanal tetapi masih ada layanan-layanan lainnya yang dapat dinikmati oleh para pengguna Bus Kanal tersebut.

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