

Recently, animal experiments are commonly used to develop new medicines and cosmetics. Some people support these activities while the others argue that the experiments should be banned. There are several reasons why some people state that it is okay to conduct these kind of experiments. Firstly, the purpose of the experiments is for human’s common good. It can prevent potential major threats that new medicines and cosmetics pose to humans. Moreover, researchers aim to minimize the suffering that animals endure by giving them pain killer and anesthetics. Nevertheless, some people think it should be banned. Although it is beneficial for humans, they -especially animal right activist- argue that the advantages do not justify the act of torturing the animals. In some cases, the animals could die because of these practices. Therefore, it raises an ethical question whether it is acceptable to do the experiments. To summarize, despite of its downsides, some people believe that animal testing experiments bring good impacts for humans. However, the writers recommend that the researchers should seek for another alternativeto solve the dispute. Those who support the experiments think that the experiments …

Recently, animal experiments are commonly used to develop new medicines and cosmetics. Some people support these activities while the others argue that the experiments should be banned.

There are several reasons why some people state that it is okay to conduct these kind of experiments. Firstly, the purpose of the experiments is for human’s common good. It can prevent potential major threats that new medicines and cosmetics pose to humans. Moreover, researchers aim to minimize the suffering that animals endure by giving them pain killer and anesthetics.

Nevertheless, some people think it should be banned. Although it is beneficial for humans, they -especially animal right activist- argue that the advantages do not justify the act of torturing the animals. In some cases, the animals could die because of these practices. Therefore, it raises an ethical question whether it is acceptable to do the experiments.

To summarize, despite of its downsides, some people believe that animal testing experiments bring good impacts for humans. However, the writers recommend that the researchers should seek for another alternative to solve the dispute.


Those who support the experiments think that the experiments …

  1. save people from dangerous effects of untested products

  2. do not bring benefits for humans

  3. do not justify the act of torturing the animals

  4. lead to the death of animals

  5. give the animals sufferings

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A. Mufida

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A.

jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A.


Arti dari kalimat soal adalah "Mereka yang mendukung eksperimen beranggapan bahwa eksperimen itu ...". Jawaban dari soal tersebut terdapat pada paragraf ke-2 yang menyajikan argument-argumen yang mendukung eksperimen terhadap binatang, diantaranya: Untuk kebaikan manusia, di mana bisa mencegah ancaman dari obatdan kosmetik baru Ilmuwan menggunakan pereda nyeri supaya binatang tidak merasakan sakit. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A.

Arti dari kalimat soal adalah "Mereka yang mendukung eksperimen beranggapan bahwa eksperimen itu ...".

Jawaban dari soal tersebut terdapat pada paragraf ke-2 yang menyajikan argument-argumen yang mendukung eksperimen terhadap binatang, diantaranya:

  • Untuk kebaikan manusia, di mana bisa mencegah ancaman dari obat dan kosmetik baru
  • Ilmuwan menggunakan pereda nyeri supaya binatang tidak merasakan sakit.

Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A.

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