


Read the text twice and fill in the blank space with the correct answer! The Young Rabbit The female hare is called (1) ____. The doe has 2 to 3 litters a year. Each litter has (2) ____. Baby hares are born in (3)____ in the grass below a branch or under the brush. When they are (4) ____, her eyes are open and they have much (5)____ on their bodies. After a few days, a baby hare is able to take care of itself. The (6)____ builds a nest in the grass or even in an abandoned woodchuck hole. The young are born (7) ____. The babies drink their (8) ____. The mother hides the babies when she leaves (9) ____. After about one week the babies open their eyes. They do not leave the nest for 10 to 12 days. After three weeks the babies can take care of themselves. The mother has many litters from early spring to late fall. Each litter has 4 to 6 babies. Rabbits live (10) ____.

Read the text twice and fill in the blank space with the correct answer!

The Young Rabbit

    The female hare is called (1) ____. The doe has 2 to 3 litters a year. Each litter has (2) ____. Baby hares are born in (3) ____ in the grass below a branch or under the brush. When they are (4) ____, her eyes are open and they have much (5) ____ on their bodies. After a few days, a baby hare is able to take care of itself.

    The (6) ____ builds a nest in the grass or even in an abandoned woodchuck hole. The young are born (7) ____. The babies drink their (8) ____. The mother hides the babies when she leaves (9) ____. After about one week the babies open their eyes. They do not leave the nest for 10 to 12 days. After three weeks the babies can take care of themselves. The mother has many litters from early spring to late fall. Each litter has 4 to 6 babies. Rabbits live (10) ____.


M. Isnaeni

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Semarang

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban bagian rumpang (3) adalah " a flattened area ".

jawaban bagian rumpang (3) adalah "a flattened area". 



Kata yang tepat melengkapi bagian rumpang (3) adalah " a flattened area " sehingga kalimatnya menjadi " Baby hares are born in a flattened area in the grass below a branch or under the brush " yang berarti "Bayi-bayi kelincidilahirkan di daerah yang rata di rumput di bawah cabang atau di bawah semak-semak". Jadi, jawaban bagian rumpang (3) adalah " a flattened area ".

Kata yang tepat melengkapi bagian rumpang (3) adalah "a flattened area" sehingga kalimatnya menjadi "Baby hares are born in a flattened area in the grass below a branch or under the brush" yang berarti "Bayi-bayi kelinci dilahirkan di daerah yang rata di rumput di bawah cabang atau di bawah semak-semak".

Jadi, jawaban bagian rumpang (3) adalah "a flattened area". 

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