


Read the text carefully to answer question number 6 to 8 Singapore is a small country that has a uniqueness: it is a city but it is also a state. It also forms a republic. Along with Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines and Brunei, it belongs to ASEAN, the Association of South-East Asia Nations. Like Indonesia, Singapore, is a country of “Bhineka tunggal Ika”. Chinese, Malays, Indians and Eurasians make up its citizens. Other Asians, including Indonesians, Japanese, Philippines, Koreans, Thais and Arabs also live on that tiny island. Singapore is sometimes called “Instant Asia” because you can see varieties of customs, cultures, and foods of nearly all Asia in Singapore. Singapore’s citizen consists of ...

Read the text carefully to answer question number 6 to 8

            Singapore is a small country that has a uniqueness: it is a city but it is also a state. It also forms a republic. Along with Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines and Brunei, it belongs to ASEAN, the Association of South-East Asia Nations.

            Like Indonesia, Singapore, is a country of “Bhineka tunggal Ika”. Chinese, Malays, Indians and Eurasians make up its citizens. Other Asians, including Indonesians, Japanese, Philippines, Koreans, Thais and Arabs also live on that tiny island. Singapore is sometimes called “Instant Asia” because you can see varieties of customs, cultures, and foods of nearly all Asia in Singapore.

Singapore’s citizen consists of ...

  1. Brunei, Indians

  2. Chinese, Malays, Indians, and Eurasians

  3. Chinese, Thais and Arab

  4. Eurasians and Philippines


N. Mulyandini

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Indonesia

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Jawaban yang paling lengkap adalah Chinese, Malays, Indians, and Eurasians sesuai dengan informasi yang ada pada kalimat pertama di paragraf kedua.

Jawaban yang paling lengkap adalah Chinese, Malays, Indians, and Eurasians sesuai dengan informasi yang ada pada kalimat pertama di paragraf kedua.

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