


Read the text below. Answer the following questions. My Cute Fan I have a handy portable fan. It is cute because it is looks like a Doraemon doll, my favourite cartoon character from Japan. The fan is blue, the same colour as Doraemon. My Doraemon fan has smiling eyes,a red nose, three pairs of whiskers, and a big smile with a red bow tie on his neck. On his body, there is a picture of a blue flower and some blue writing. It says "fan", referring to its function. To use it as a fan, I pull the cap, which is the head of Doraemon . There is an on-off button at the back of Doraemon. To turn on the fan, I slide it to the on position. The wind it makes is strong so I like to use it on a hot day. The power of the fan comes from the battery. When the battery is running out, I just need to recharge it. This is very convenient. What adjectives are used to describe the item?

Read the text below. Answer the following questions.

My Cute Fan

    I have a handy portable fan. It is cute because it is looks like a Doraemon doll, my favourite cartoon character from Japan. The fan is blue, the same colour as Doraemon. My Doraemon fan has smiling eyes, a red nose, three pairs of whiskers, and a big smile with a red bow tie on his neck. On his body, there is a picture of a blue flower and some blue writing. It says "fan", referring to its function. To use it as a fan, I pull the cap, which is the head of Doraemon . There is an on-off button at the back of Doraemon. To turn on the fan, I slide it to the on position. The wind it makes is strong so I like to use it on a hot day. The power of the fan comes from the battery. When the battery is running out, I just need to recharge it. This is very convenient.

What adjectives are used to describe the item? 

  1. ....undefined 

  2. ....undefined 


F. Aulia

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Indonesia

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah "The adjectives used to describe the item are descriptive adjectives. "

jawaban yang benar adalah "The adjectives used to describe the item are descriptive adjectives."undefined 



Adjectives atau kata sifat yang digunakan pada teks tersebut adalah descriptive adjectives yaitu kata sifat yang mendeskripsikan suatu noun atau pronoun. Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah "The adjectives used to describe the item are descriptive adjectives. "

Adjectives atau kata sifat yang digunakan pada teks tersebut adalah descriptive adjectives yaitu kata sifat yang mendeskripsikan suatu noun atau pronoun.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah "The adjectives used to describe the item are descriptive adjectives."undefined 

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