


Studying at Home 

    Pedro is 12 years old and he's Portuguese. Pedro is a good student and he usually gets good results in his tests and exams, but he now doesn't go to school. The truth is he lives in a big city where there are many schools but all the schools are closed. There is a pandemic in the world and children can't go to school. 

    Pedro studies at home. He got books, pens, and pencils but his lessons are on the computer. Every morning Pedro sits in front of his laptop for three hours and watches and listens to his lessons. His teachers use cameras and interactive worksheets. He can talk to his teachers and the other students in his "class". In the afternoon, Pedro often does his homework or he reads History, Geography, or Math books. He always emails his homework to his teachers on Friday afternoon.

    All the children are at home at the moment Pedro misses his friends and his teachers but he knows that he has to stay at home. It is all for the best. He hopes the pandemic goes away to go back to school and play in the schoolyard with his friends. 

Read the text and say if the sentence is true or false. Correct the false one. He goes to school every day.

Read the text and say if the sentence is true or false. Correct the false one. 

He goes to school every day.


N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


pernyataan terlampir dinyatakan false dengan pernyataan seharusnya He can't go to school every day.

pernyataan terlampir dinyatakan false dengan pernyataan seharusnya He can't go to school every day. 




Instruksi untuk soal di atas adalah siswa menyebutkan apakah pernyataanterlampir merupakan pernyataan yang benar atau pernyataan yang salah dan juga memperbaiki pernyataan yang dianggap salah. Pernyataan yang terlampir adalah "He goes to school every day". Hal tersebut tidak sesuai dengan yang dijelaskan pada kalimat terakhir dari paragraf pertama yaitu "There is a pandemic in the world and children can't go to school". Jadi, pernyataan terlampir dinyatakan false dengan pernyataan seharusnya He can't go to school every day.

Instruksi untuk soal di atas adalah siswa menyebutkan apakah pernyataan terlampir merupakan pernyataan yang benar atau pernyataan yang salah dan juga memperbaiki pernyataan yang dianggap salah. 

Pernyataan yang terlampir adalah "He goes to school every day". Hal tersebut tidak sesuai dengan yang dijelaskan pada kalimat terakhir dari paragraf pertama yaitu "There is a pandemic in the world and children can't go to school". 

Jadi, pernyataan terlampir dinyatakan false dengan pernyataan seharusnya He can't go to school every day. 

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Pertanyaan serupa

Write a 3-paragraph report text about one of the animals around your house!



Jawaban terverifikasi


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