


Read the text and answer the question! The Importance of Having Breakfast In a busy morning, people tend to skip their breakfast. Actually, there are many benefits of having breakfast. Here are two reasons why it is important. Having breakfast helps us feel more focused for the coming day. When we study at school and didn’t have breakfast before, we will more likely to not focus during the lesson. There’s nothing worse than being constantly aware that you are hungry and counting the minutes until lunchtime. Having breakfast in the morning not only fuels us until lunchtime, but actually gives our brains the essential energy to function and focus better on tasks, so we can concentrate more. Having breakfast will also control our appetite. If we don’t eat breakfast, we are much more likely to end up snacking throughout the morning, which could pile up the unhealthy calories. Stay away from overly-refined snacks with added sugar, so if you do feel like snacking, have some slices of fruits. The two reasons above, to help us feel more focused and to control our appetite are only some of many reasons out there on why having breakfast is important. There are indeed many other benefits of having breakfast. The main idea of the second paragraph is …

Read the text and answer the question!

The Importance of Having Breakfast

    In a busy morning, people tend to skip their breakfast. Actually, there are many benefits of having breakfast. Here are two reasons why it is important.

    Having breakfast helps us feel more focused for the coming day. When we study at school and didn’t have breakfast before, we will more likely to not focus during the lesson. There’s nothing worse than being constantly aware that you are hungry and counting the minutes until lunchtime. Having breakfast in the morning not only fuels us until lunchtime, but actually gives our brains the essential energy to function and focus better on tasks, so we can concentrate more. 

    Having breakfast will also control our appetite. If we don’t eat breakfast, we are much more likely to end up snacking throughout the morning, which could pile up the unhealthy calories. Stay away from overly-refined snacks with added sugar, so if you do feel like snacking, have some slices of fruits.

    The two reasons above, to help us feel more focused and to control our appetite are only some of many reasons out there on why having breakfast is important. There are indeed many other benefits of having breakfast.

The main idea of the second paragraph is …undefined 

  1. Breakfast is important.undefined 

  2. Breakfast helps us boost our concentration.undefined 

  3. How to get more focused during school days.undefined 

  4. Skipping breakfast damages our body and brain health.undefined 

  5. Breakfast fuels us till lunch time and gives our brain energy.undefined 


D. Danti

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah B.undefined 



Kalimat pertama pada paragraf kedua menekankan bahwa sarapan membantu kita tetap fokus. Lalu pada kalimat kedua dan seterusnya dijelaskan bahwa ketika kita belajar di sekolah dan tidak sarapan sebelumnya, maka kita kemungkinan tidak akan fokus selama pembelajaran. Tidak ada yang lebih buruk daripada keadaan saat kamu sadar bahwakamu lapar dan menghitung tiap menit sampaiwaktu makan siang tiba. Sarapan pagi tidak hanya memberi kita tenaga sampai makan siang, tetapi juga memberikan energi penting ke otak kita supaya berfungsi dengan baik dan lebih fokus pada tugas, jadi kita bisa lebih berkonsentrasi. Dengan demikian, dapat kita ketahui bahwa topik utama paragraf tersebut adalah sarapan yang dapat membantu kita lebih fokus atau berkonsentrasi. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

Kalimat pertama pada paragraf kedua menekankan bahwa sarapan membantu kita tetap fokus. Lalu pada kalimat kedua dan seterusnya dijelaskan bahwa ketika kita belajar di sekolah dan tidak sarapan sebelumnya, maka kita kemungkinan tidak akan fokus selama pembelajaran. Tidak ada yang lebih buruk daripada keadaan saat kamu sadar bahwa kamu lapar dan menghitung tiap menit sampai waktu makan siang tiba. Sarapan pagi tidak hanya memberi kita tenaga sampai makan siang, tetapi juga memberikan energi penting ke otak kita supaya berfungsi dengan baik dan lebih fokus pada tugas, jadi kita bisa lebih berkonsentrasi.

Dengan demikian, dapat kita ketahui bahwa topik utama paragraf tersebut adalah sarapan yang dapat membantu kita lebih fokus atau berkonsentrasi.

Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah B.undefined 

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