


Read the text and answer the question! I am a quite discipline person. I would make sure I attend all of my classes on time, but last week was different. I was staying up late until 2 a.m. which was very unusual for me. Then I set my alarm to 5 a.m., so I could wake up early for my morning class. I didn’t hear anything that could’ve woken me, even I couldn’t hear my blasting alarm. As a result, I woke up at around 6:45 am which was a quarter to my morning class. Being in hurry, I forgot to put my homework into my bag that morning, the very homework I spent the night staying up late until 2 a.m. From that day on, I promised myself not to do the same mistake by not staying up late again if the next day I’m having a morning class. Why did the writer wake up late?

Read the text and answer the question!

    I am a quite discipline person. I would make sure I attend all of my classes on time, but last week was different.

    I was staying up late until 2 a.m. which was very unusual for me. Then I set my alarm to 5 a.m., so I could wake up early for my morning class. I didn’t hear anything that could’ve woken me, even I couldn’t hear my blasting alarm. As a result, I woke up at around 6:45 am which was a quarter to my morning class.  Being in hurry, I forgot to put my homework into my bag that morning, the very homework I spent the night staying up late until 2 a.m.

    From that day on, I promised myself not to do the same mistake by not staying up late again if the next day I’m having a morning class.

Why did the writer wake up late?

  1. She forgot to set her alarm.

  2. She stayed up late the night before.

  3. She didn’t have morning class.

  4. No one woke her up.


R. Tri

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

jawaban yang tepat adalah B.



Pada paragraf kedua kalimat pertama, tertulis, " I was staying up late until 2 a.m. which was very unusual for me" yang artinya “Aku begadang sampai jam 2 pagi yang merupakan hal yang tak biasa buatku.” Si penulisterlambatbangun karena dia begadang malam sebelumnya. Dia sudah menyetel alarm tapi dia tidak mendengar bunyinya. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

Pada paragraf kedua kalimat pertama, tertulis, "I was staying up late until 2 a.m. which was very unusual for me" yang artinya “Aku begadang sampai jam 2 pagi yang merupakan hal yang tak biasa buatku.”

Si penulis terlambat bangun karena dia begadang malam sebelumnya. Dia sudah menyetel alarm tapi dia tidak mendengar bunyinya.

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

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