


Read the text and answer the following question. We all know that rain is primary source of fresh water for most areas of the world, providing suitable condition for diverse ecosystems. Rain is water that descends from the sky through several processes until the rain occurs. Do you know how does rain happen? The phenomenon of rain is actually a water circle. The concept of water circle includes the sun heating and the Earth's water surface causing the water surface to evaporate. Earth's water includes water from lake, river, and ocean. Then, the water vapor experiences condensation and becomes condensed vapor. Condensed vapor is formed from droplets so that when the air temperature is higher, it makes the droplets gather, condensed and formed into clouds. The presence of winds helps clouds move and gather in other places that have lower temperatures. At that time, the droplets become heavier and unstoppable and cause the droplets to fall so that there is rain. If the droplets drop in an area with very cold temperatures, the droplets will drop as snow. However, not all rain reaches the surface. Some evaporates while falling through dry air. This is called Virga, a phenomenon which is often seen in hot, dry desert regions. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

Read the text and answer the following question.

  We all know that rain is primary source of fresh water for most areas of the world, providing suitable condition for diverse ecosystems. Rain is water that descends from the sky through several processes until the rain occurs. Do you know how does rain happen?

    The phenomenon of rain is actually a water circle. The concept of water circle includes the sun heating and the Earth's water surface causing the water surface to evaporate. Earth's water includes water from lake, river, and ocean. Then, the water vapor experiences condensation and becomes condensed vapor. Condensed vapor is formed from droplets so that when the air temperature is higher, it makes the droplets gather, condensed and formed into clouds. The presence of winds helps clouds move and gather in other places that have lower temperatures. At that time, the droplets become heavier and unstoppable and cause the droplets to fall so that there is rain.

    If the droplets drop in an area with very cold temperatures, the droplets will drop as snow. However, not all rain reaches the surface. Some evaporates while falling through dry air. This is called Virga, a phenomenon which is often seen in hot, dry desert regions.

What is the main idea of paragraph 2?


H. Qisthi

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

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main idea dari paragraf ke-dua adalah " The water cycle in the rain phenomenon ".

main idea dari paragraf ke-dua adalah "The water cycle in the rain phenomenon".



Soal ini menanyakan main idea (gagasan utama) dari paragraf ke-dua. Main idea adalah gagasan yang menjadi inti atau pokok pembahasan dari suatu paragraf. Untuk menentukan gagasan utamanya maka kita dapat menemukannya pada awal dan akhir kalimat pada paragraf tersebut. Kalimat awal pada paragraf ke-dua memiliki terjemahan "Fenomena hujan sebenarnya adalah siklusair". Kemudian, paragraf ke-duamenjelaskan tentang proses dari siklus air tersebut. Dengan demikian, kita dapat simpulkan bahwa gagasan utama dari paragraf ke-dua adalah siklus air pada fenomena hujan, dalam bahasa Inggrisnya yaitu " The water cycle in the rain phenomenon ". Jadi, main idea dari paragraf ke-dua adalah " The water cycle in the rain phenomenon ".

Soal ini menanyakan main idea (gagasan utama) dari paragraf ke-dua.

Main idea adalah gagasan yang menjadi inti atau pokok pembahasan dari suatu paragraf. Untuk menentukan gagasan utamanya maka kita dapat menemukannya pada awal dan akhir kalimat pada paragraf tersebut.

Kalimat awal pada paragraf ke-dua memiliki terjemahan "Fenomena hujan sebenarnya adalah siklus air". Kemudian, paragraf ke-dua menjelaskan tentang proses dari siklus air tersebut. Dengan demikian, kita dapat simpulkan bahwa gagasan utama dari paragraf ke-dua adalah siklus air pada fenomena hujan, dalam bahasa Inggrisnya yaitu "The water cycle in the rain phenomenon".

Jadi, main idea dari paragraf ke-dua adalah "The water cycle in the rain phenomenon".

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Pertanyaan serupa

67. The third paragraph tells about . . . .



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