


Read the sentences and answer the question! You can eat your cake with a spoon or fork. My dog enjoys being bathed but hates getting his nails trimmed. Although it rained, he insisted on going to school. He didn’t learn, yet he passed the test. Which of the above sentences DOESN'T use coordinating conjunction?

Read the sentences and answer the question!

  1. You can eat your cake with a spoon or fork.
  2. My dog enjoys being bathed but hates getting his nails trimmed.
  3. Although it rained, he insisted on going to school.
  4. He didn’t learn, yet he passed the test.

Which of the above sentences DOESN'T use coordinating conjunction?

  1. Sentence 1

  2. Sentence 2

  3. Sentence 3

  4. Sentence 4


A. Kencana

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


kalimat yang tidak tepat adalah C .

kalimat yang tidak tepat adalah C.



Konjungsi yang termasuk coordinating conjunction adalah FANBOYS ( F or, A nd, N or, B ut, O r, Y et, S o). Kalimat yang tidak menggunakan coordinating conjunction adalah Although it rained, he insisted on going to school ( kalimat 3 ) . Kalimat 1 menggunakan coordinating conjunction 'or'. Kalimat 2 menggunakan coordinating conjunction 'but'. Kalimat 4 menggunakan coordinating conjunction 'yet'. Jadi, kalimat yang tidak tepat adalah C .

Konjungsi yang termasuk coordinating conjunction adalah FANBOYS (For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So). Kalimat yang tidak menggunakan coordinating conjunction adalah Although it rained, he insisted on going to school (kalimat 3).

Kalimat 1 menggunakan coordinating conjunction 'or'.

Kalimat 2 menggunakan coordinating conjunction 'but'.

Kalimat 4 menggunakan coordinating conjunction 'yet'.

Jadi, kalimat yang tidak tepat adalah C.

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Pertanyaan serupa

Choose the correct anwer to complete the sentence! I was sick yesterday ____ I didn’t go swimming.



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