

Read the sentences and answer the question! A.They are dotheir homework together. B.The little girl is not sleeping right now but she is watching. C.Are the students studying English grammar? D.He playing some music instruments. E.What are they looking for? Which of the above sentences use the correct form of Present Continuous Tense?

Read the sentences and answer the question!

A. They are do their homework together.
B. The little girl is not sleeping right now but she is watching.
C. Are the students studying English grammar?
D. He playing some music instruments.
E. What are they looking for?

Which of the above sentences use the correct form of Present Continuous Tense? 

  1. A, B, and Cbegin mathsize 14px style space end style 

  2. B, C, and Dbegin mathsize 14px style space end style 

  3. C, D, and Ebegin mathsize 14px style space end style 

  4. B, C, and Ebegin mathsize 14px style space end style 

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D. Danti

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

jawaban yang tepat adalah D.begin mathsize 14px style space end style 


Pola kalimat positif Present Continuous Tense yang tepat adalah sebagai berikut. Positive: S + is/am/are + Ving + O/C . Negative: S +is/am/are + not + Ving + O/C . Interrogative: Is/Am/Are + S + Ving + O/C? atau What/Why/How +is/am/are+ S + Ving +O/C? Kalimat yang sesuai dengan pola tersebut adalah kalimat B, C, dan E. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

Pola kalimat positif Present Continuous Tense yang tepat adalah sebagai berikut.

  • Positive: S + is/am/are + Ving + O/C.
  • Negative: S +is/am/are + not + Ving + O/C.
  • Interrogative: Is/Am/Are + S + Ving + O/C? atau
  • What/Why/How +is/am/are+ S + Ving +O/C?

Kalimat yang sesuai dengan pola tersebut adalah kalimat B, C, dan E.

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah D.begin mathsize 14px style space end style 

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