


Read the following texts. What are the similarities and differences of the two texts? Answer the questions for help. Text 1 Attention, students. We will have a semester test this week, so the basketball practice will temporarily be off. You should focus on studying for the test. The practice will be postponed until nextweek, when the test has been over. Please wait for further information about when.the practice will begin. You know, we will participate in the interschool basketball competition next month. Thank you. Text 2 Attention, shoppers. We have good news for you! To celebrate our store anniversary, we will give you discounts on several products, ranging from household, electronic and fashion items. Not only that. Customers with member cards will receive more discounts. It will last for two days only. Happy shopping! What is each text about?

Read the following texts. What are the similarities and differences of the two texts? Answer the questions for help.

Text 1

    Attention, students.

    We will have a semester test this week, so the basketball practice will temporarily be off. You should focus on studying for the test. The practice will be postponed until next week, when the test has been over. Please wait for further information about when.the practice will begin. You know, we will participate in the interschool basketball competition next month. Thank you.

Text 2

    Attention, shoppers.

    We have good news for you! To celebrate our store anniversary, we will give you discounts on several products, ranging from household, electronic and fashion items. Not only that. Customers with member cards will receive more discounts. It will last for two days only. Happy shopping!

What is each text about? 


F. Aulia

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Indonesia

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah " Text 1 is about the postponement of basketball practice due to the semester examwhile text 2 isabout discountpromo for several products to celebrate the store anniversary ."

jawaban yang tepat adalah "Text 1 is about the postponement of basketball practice due to the semester exam while text 2 is about discount promo for several products to celebrate the store anniversary."



Soal tersebut menanyakan tentang apakah masing-masing teks tersebut. Kedua teks tersebut merupakan contoh pengumuman. Teks pertama merupakan pengunguman mengenai penundaan latihan basket karena sedang dilaksanakannya ujian semester sementara teks kedua merupakan pengunguman mengenai promo diskon berbagai produk toko dalam rangka ulang tahun toko tersebut . Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah " Text 1 is about the postponement of basketball practice due to the semester examwhile text 2 isabout discountpromo for several products to celebrate the store anniversary ."

Soal tersebut menanyakan tentang apakah masing-masing teks tersebut.

Kedua teks tersebut merupakan contoh pengumuman.

Teks pertama merupakan pengunguman mengenai penundaan latihan basket karena sedang dilaksanakannya ujian semester sementara teks kedua merupakan pengunguman mengenai promo diskon berbagai produk toko dalam rangka ulang tahun toko tersebut.

Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah "Text 1 is about the postponement of basketball practice due to the semester exam while text 2 is about discount promo for several products to celebrate the store anniversary."

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