


Read the following text and then answer the questions. Bandung City Theres a little city Covered with hills and pleasant weather Come on baby I'll show you around In my little town Every comer tells you different stories There's so many treasures to be found Welcome to flower city My lovely city Roses blooming pretty People say that home is where the heart is It's aplace with so much history Friendly Bandung city Holds the past of ancient glories And a thrilling future mystery Welcome to flower city My lovely city My friendly city My beloved city Even though it gets so overcrowded When I'm sitting in my car that stuck for hours But I love it anyway Welcome to flower city My lovely city My friendly city My beloved city Singer: Mocca ban What is the title of the song?

Read the following text and then answer the questions.

Bandung City

Theres a little city
Covered with hills and pleasant weather
Come on baby I'll show you around

In my little town
Every comer tells you different stories
There's so many treasures to be found
Welcome to flower city
My lovely city
Roses blooming pretty
People say that home is where the heart is
It's a place with so much history
Friendly Bandung city
Holds the past of ancient glories
And a thrilling future mystery

Welcome to flower city
My lovely city
My friendly city
My beloved city

Even though it gets so overcrowded
When I'm sitting in my car that stuck for hours
But I love it anyway
Welcome to flower city
My lovely city
My friendly city
My beloved city

Singer: Mocca ban

What is the title of the song?


D. Danti

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawabannya adalah " Bandung City ".

jawabannya adalah "Bandung City".



Pertanyaan pada soal memiliki arti "Apa judul dari lagu tersebut?" Judul lagu terdapat pada awal teks sebelum lirik lagu. Dengan demikian, judul lagu di atas adalah " Bandung City ". Jadi, jawabannya adalah " Bandung City ".

Pertanyaan pada soal memiliki arti "Apa judul dari lagu tersebut?"

Judul lagu terdapat pada awal teks sebelum lirik lagu. Dengan demikian, judul lagu di atas adalah "Bandung City".

Jadi, jawabannya adalah "Bandung City".

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!




Pertanyaan serupa

Why does the singer feel sorry?



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