


Readthe following text and answer the question! A barometer is used for measuring air pressure. It is a useful tool for helping predict weather changes. What you'll need: A balloon A jar Scissors A rubber band Tape A piece of card A straw A marker (felt pen) Instructions: Cut the top off the balloon (the part which you blow into). Stretch the balloon over the top of the jar and hold it in place with a rubber band. Place the straw across the top of the jar so that one-third of the straw is hanging over the edge. Stick the straw to the balloon with tape. Draw three lines on the piece of card that are about half a centimeter apart from each other. Label these lines as high, moderate and low. Tape the card against the back of the jar so that the straw points to moderate. Put your barometer on a flat surface somewhere inside. What's happening? When there is low air pressure the balloon should expand out and the straw will point down. This is because the air inside the balloon now has relatively more air pressure compared to the air outside, it pushes the balloon out as a result. When there is high air pressure the air on the outside will push the balloon into the jar and the straw will point upwards. The air inside the balloon now has relatively less pressure, this pushes the balloon inwards as a result. In general, high air pressure indicates fair weather while low air pressure indicates that bad weather is more likely. Although forecasting the weather isn't an exact science and can be very difficult at times, give it a go and see how accurate you are. (Adopted from: http://www.sciencekids.eo.nz/projects/barometer.html (April 23, 2019)) "... and hold it in place with a rubber band." (Step 2) The word 'it' refers to ____.

Read the following text and answer the question!

    A barometer is used for measuring air pressure. It is a useful tool for helping predict weather changes.

What you'll need:

  • A balloon
  • A jar
  • Scissors
  • A rubber band
  • Tape
  • A piece of card
  • A straw
  • A marker (felt pen)


  1. Cut the top off the balloon (the part which you blow into).
  2. Stretch the balloon over the top of the jar and hold it in place with a rubber band.
  3. Place the straw across the top of the jar so that one-third of the straw is hanging over the edge. Stick the straw to the balloon with tape.
  4. Draw three lines on the piece of card that are about half a centimeter apart from each other. Label these lines as high, moderate and low.
  5. Tape the card against the back of the jar so that the straw points to moderate.
  6. Put your barometer on a flat surface somewhere inside.

What's happening?

    When there is low air pressure the balloon should expand out and the straw will point down. This is because the air inside the balloon now has relatively more air pressure compared to the air outside, it pushes the balloon out as a result.

    When there is high air pressure the air on the outside will push the balloon into the jar and the
straw will point upwards. The air inside the balloon now has relatively less pressure, this pushes the balloon inwards as a result.

    In general, high air pressure indicates fair weather while low air pressure indicates that bad
weather is more likely. Although forecasting the weather isn't an exact science and can be very
difficult at times, give it a go and see how accurate you are.

(Adopted from: http://www.sciencekids.eo.nz/projects/barometer.html (April 23, 2019))

"... and hold it in place with a rubber band." (Step 2)

The word 'it' refers to ____. 

  1. the jarundefined 

  2. the balloonundefined 

  3. the barometerundefined 

  4. the rubber bandundefined 

  5. the topundefined 


N. Hariri

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Malang

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah B.

jawaban yang benar adalah B.



Soal di atas meminta kita untuk menemukan apa yang dimaksud oleh kata " it " yang terdapat pada kalimat "... and hold it in place with a rubber band. " Kalimat ini berada pada bagian " Instructions " nomor 2 yang artinya kita dapat menemukan jawaban untuk soal di atas pada bagian tersebut. Bagian " Instructions " nomor 2 berbunyi " Stretch the balloon over the top of the jar and hold it in place with a rubber band. " Dari kutipan ini, kita bisa mengetahui bahwa " it " mengacu kepada " the balloon ". Jadi jawaban yang benar adalah B.

Soal di atas meminta kita untuk menemukan apa yang dimaksud oleh kata "it" yang terdapat pada kalimat "... and hold it in place with a rubber band." Kalimat ini berada pada bagian "Instructions" nomor 2 yang artinya kita dapat menemukan jawaban untuk soal di atas pada bagian tersebut.

Bagian "Instructions" nomor 2 berbunyi "Stretch the balloon over the top of the jar and hold it in place with a rubber band." Dari kutipan ini, kita bisa mengetahui bahwa "it" mengacu kepada "the balloon".

Jadi jawaban yang benar adalah B.

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