

Read the following text aloud. Announcement In this modem era, gadgets and electronic devices have become an important part of people's lives. Almost all people, young and old, are dependent on gadgets. A person may have more than one gadget and electronic device. Consequently, there is excessive waste related to gadgets and electronic devices, called e-waste. Of course, the excessive e-waste has negative impacts for the environment. To give you further information about what e-waste is and how to manage it, our school will be holding a seminar about e-waste management, with Mrs. Diah as the keyoote speaker. It will be held at the school hall on Saturday at 1 p.m. The seminar is not only for students from this school. You only need to pay Rp5,000 to join the seminar, while participants from other. schools should pay Rp10,000. Those who are interested may enroll with Devi (Class X Social Science1), Fariz (Class XI Language1) and Mieke (Class XII Science3). Citra Kustima Principal Read the following words. Make a resume about the explanation and type it using a presentation program. After that, present it before the class and discuss it with your friends. Find the words in the text in Activity 18 which have similar meanings to the following words. register =

Read the following text aloud.


    In this modem era, gadgets and electronic devices have become an important part of people's lives. Almost all people, young and old, are dependent on gadgets. A person may have more than one gadget and electronic device. Consequently, there is excessive waste related to gadgets and electronic devices, called e-waste. Of course, the excessive e-waste has negative impacts for the environment.

    To give you further information about what e-waste is and how to manage it, our school will be holding a seminar about e-waste management, with Mrs. Diah as the keyoote speaker. It will be held at the school hall on Saturday at 1 p.m.

    The seminar is not only for students from this school. You only need to pay Rp5,000 to join the seminar, while participants from other. schools should pay Rp10,000. Those who are interested may enroll with Devi (Class X Social Science1), Fariz (Class XI Language1) and Mieke (Class XII Science3).

Citra Kustima


Read the following words. Make a resume about the explanation and type it using a presentation program. After that, present it before the class and discuss it with your friends. Find the words in the text in Activity 18 which have similar meanings to the following words.

register = 

  1. .... 

8 dari 10 siswa nilainya naik

dengan paket belajar pilihan

Habis dalam










T. Tuawapat

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah enroll .

jawaban yang tepat adalah enroll.


Dalam soal ini anda diminta untuk menemukankata-kata dalam teks di atasyang memiliki arti yang samadengan kata-kata berikut. Anda harus menemukan kata yang memiliki arti yang sama dengan " register ". Kata register dalam bahasa indonesia bermakna mendaftar. Dalam teks di atas pada paragraf ke-tiga terdapat kata yang memiliki makna yang sama yaitu " enroll " dalam Those who are interested may enroll with Devi , yang bagi siapa yang tertarik bisa mendaftar dengan Devi. Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah enroll .

Dalam soal ini anda diminta untuk menemukan kata-kata dalam teks di atas yang memiliki arti yang sama dengan kata-kata berikut.

Anda harus menemukan kata yang memiliki arti yang sama dengan "register". Kata register dalam bahasa indonesia bermakna mendaftar. Dalam teks di atas pada paragraf ke-tiga terdapat kata yang memiliki makna yang sama yaitu "enroll" dalam  Those who are interested may enroll with Deviyang bagi siapa yang tertarik bisa mendaftar dengan Devi. 

Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah enroll.

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!



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