


Read the following letter! Arif Putranto Jl. Merpati no. 89 Makassar August 8, 2020 Andini Saraswati HRD Manage of PT Blue Maritime Jl. Kenanga no. 75 Makassar Dear Mrs. Saraswati: My name is Arif Putranto. I graduated from a reputable university in Makassar, (1) ____ shipping and port engineering. I'd like to apply for a position in your company as advertised in your website. I am a fresh (2) ____ . However, I have a good knowledge of transport and seaport engineering and able to use the latest (3) ____ information systems. I have been provided with (4) ____ theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Further, I also speak and write in English (5) ____ . I would very much welcome an (6) ____ to have a serious discussion with you about your (7) ____ in much greater depth. I really enjoy the opportunity of becoming (8) ____ of new technologies. If you need any other information, please feel free to contact me on my mobile number, or send me an e-mail, as written in my (9) ____ . Thank you very much (10) ____ and I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely Arif Putranto Enc.: Resume Arif Putranto has abilities to ....

Read the following letter!

Arif Putranto
Jl. Merpati no. 89

August 8, 2020

Andini Saraswati
HRD Manage of PT Blue Maritime
Jl. Kenanga no. 75

Dear Mrs. Saraswati:

My name is Arif Putranto. I graduated from a reputable university in Makassar, (1) ____ shipping and port engineering. I'd like to apply for a position in your company as advertised in your website. 

I am a fresh (2) ____ . However, I have a good knowledge of transport and seaport engineering and able to use the latest (3) ____ information systems. I have been provided with (4) ____ theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Further, I also speak and write in English (5) ____ .

I would very much welcome an (6) ____ to have a serious discussion with you about your (7) ____ in much greater depth. I really enjoy the opportunity of becoming (8) ____ of new technologies.

If you need any other information, please feel free to contact me on my mobile number, or send me an e-mail, as written in my (9) ____ .

Thank you very much (10) ____ and I look forward to hearing from you.


Arif Putranto
Enc.: Resume

Arif Putranto has abilities to .... 

  1. ....undefined 

  2. ....undefined 


D. Enty

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban untuk pertanyaan ini adalahArif Putranto has abilities to use the latest computized information systems and also speak and write English fluently.

jawaban untuk pertanyaan ini adalah Arif Putranto has abilities to use the latest computized information systems and also speak and write English fluently.undefined 




Pertanyaan ini menanyakan kemampuan yang dimilikioleh Arif Putranto. Dan kemampuan ini dapat ditemukan di keteranganparagraf dua. Ditulis bahwa Arif is able to use the latestcomputized information systems andalso speak and writeEnglish fluently yang artinya "Arif mampu menggunakan sistem informasi terkomputasi dan berbicara serta menulis menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan lancar". Jadi, jawaban untuk pertanyaan ini adalahArif Putranto has abilities to use the latest computized information systems and also speak and write English fluently.

Pertanyaan ini menanyakan kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh Arif Putranto. Dan kemampuan ini dapat ditemukan di keterangan paragraf dua. Ditulis bahwa Arif is able to use the latest computized information systems and also speak and write English fluently yang artinya "Arif mampu menggunakan sistem informasi terkomputasi dan berbicara serta menulis menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan lancar".

Jadi, jawaban untuk pertanyaan ini adalah Arif Putranto has abilities to use the latest computized information systems and also speak and write English fluently.undefined 

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
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Pertanyaan serupa

If interested, the company should ____ for further discussion.



Jawaban terverifikasi


Jl. Dr. Saharjo No.161, Manggarai Selatan, Tebet, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12860

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