

Read the following introduction and rewrite it and change the subject to the third person singular! Hello! My name's Farah Farce and I'm a student. I'm 17 years old. I'm the owner of Farcee Online Shop. It is an online shop that sells original goods from abroad, but I produce my own products as well. I do the same things every day. I go to the campus and give seminars in many different places about how to be a successful young entrepreneur. In the evening I watch television, listen to music, read magazines, and check my online shop. In Jakarta, we don't go to school at weekends. So, on Saturdays, I usually go shopping in the morning or in the afternoon. In the evening, I often go to the cinema or meet up with my friends. It’s a little bit different on Sundays. On Sunday morning, my family and I usually have breakfast together. A little while later my father and brother will watch the soccer, so we go for a walk with mom on Sunday afternoons. In the evening, I usually recheck the orders of my online shop. I go to bed at I l p.m. I usually wake up early so I set my alarm clock to 4 a.m.

Read the following introduction and rewrite it and change the subject to the third person singular!

    Hello! My name's Farah Farce and I'm a student. I'm 17 years old. I'm the owner of Farcee Online Shop. It is an online shop that sells original goods from abroad, but I produce my own products as well.

    I do the same things every day. I go to the campus and give seminars in many different places about how to be a successful young entrepreneur. In the evening I watch television, listen to music, read magazines, and check my online shop.

    In Jakarta, we don't go to school at weekends. So, on Saturdays, I usually go shopping in the morning or in the afternoon. In the evening, I often go to the cinema or meet up with my friends. It’s a little bit different on Sundays. On Sunday morning, my family and I usually have breakfast together. A little while later my father and brother will watch the soccer, so we go for a walk with mom on Sunday afternoons.

    In the evening, I usually recheck the orders of my online shop. I go to bed at I l p.m. I usually wake up early so I set my alarm clock to 4 a.m.

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D. Danti

Master Teacher

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Soal tersebut berisi perintahuntuk menulis ulang teks yang tertera dengan mengubahsubjek menjadi bentuk orang ketiga tunggal. Perlu diketahui, teks yang tertera ditulis dalam sudut pandang orang pertama tunggal ( first person singular ), yaitu I . Kemudian, kita ubah subjek menjadi sudut pandang orang ketiga tunggal, yaitu she atau he . Karena teks tersebut menceritakan tentangFarah Farce yang identik dengan nama perempuan, kata I diganti oleh she . Selain kata I , kata yang harus diubah adalah sebagai berikut: My menjadi Her contoh: My name's Farah Farce menjadi Her name's Farah Farce. We menjadi They contoh: In Jakarta, we don't go to school at weekends menjadi In Jakarta, they don't go to school at weekends. I am menjadi She is contoh: I'm a student menjadi She is a student. Jika subjek dalam kalimat adalah she, he it, Verb 1 (kata kerja bentuk pertama) perlu ditambah akhiran -s / -es contoh: I produce my own products as well menjadi she produces herown products as well. Contoh jawaban benar seperti teks berikut ini: Hello! Her name's Farah Farce and She's a student. She's 17 years old. She's the owner of Farcee Online Shop. It is an online shop that sells original goods from abroad, but She produces her own products as well. She does the same things every day. She goes to the campus and gives seminars in many different places about how to be a successful young entrepreneur. In the evening She watches television, listens to music, reads magazines, and checks her online shop. In Jakarta, They don't go to school at weekends. So, on Saturdays, She usually goes shopping in the morning or in the afternoon. In the evening, She often goes to the cinema or meets up with her friends. It’s a little bit different on Sundays. On Sunday morning, her family and sheusually have breakfast together. A little while later her father and brother will watch the soccer, so theygo for a walk with mom on Sunday afternoons. In the evening, she usually rechecks the orders of her online shop. She goes to bed at I l p.m. She usually wakes up early so she sets her alarm clock to 4 a.m.

Soal tersebut berisi perintah untuk menulis ulang teks yang tertera dengan mengubah subjek menjadi bentuk orang ketiga tunggal.

Perlu diketahui, teks yang tertera ditulis dalam sudut pandang orang pertama tunggal (first person singular), yaitu I. Kemudian, kita ubah subjek menjadi sudut pandang orang ketiga tunggal, yaitu she atau he. Karena teks tersebut menceritakan tentang Farah Farce yang identik dengan nama perempuan, kata diganti oleh she.

Selain kata I, kata yang harus diubah adalah sebagai berikut:

  • My menjadi Her
    contoh: My name's Farah Farce menjadi Her name's Farah Farce.
  • We menjadi They
    contoh: In Jakarta, we don't go to school at weekends menjadi In Jakarta, they don't go to school at weekends.
  • I am menjadi She is
    contoh: I'm a student menjadi She is a student.
  • Jika subjek dalam kalimat adalah she, he it, Verb 1 (kata kerja bentuk pertama) perlu ditambah akhiran -s / -es
    contoh:  I produce my own products as well menjadi she produces her own products as well.

Contoh jawaban benar seperti teks berikut ini:

    Hello! Her name's Farah Farce and She's a student. She's 17 years old. She's the owner of Farcee Online Shop. It is an online shop that sells original goods from abroad, but She produces her own products as well.

    She does the same things every day. She goes to the campus and gives seminars in many different places about how to be a successful young entrepreneur. In the evening She watches television, listens to music, reads magazines, and checks her online shop.

    In Jakarta, They don't go to school at weekends. So, on Saturdays, She usually goes shopping in the morning or in the afternoon. In the evening, She often goes to the cinema or meets up with her friends. It’s a little bit different on Sundays. On Sunday morning, her family and she usually have breakfast together. A little while later her father and brother will watch the soccer, so they go for a walk with mom on Sunday afternoons.

    In the evening, she usually rechecks the orders of her online shop. She goes to bed at I l p.m. She usually wakes up early so she sets her alarm clock to 4 a.m.

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