

Read the following dialogs in proper pronunciation. Pay attention to the words in bold and answer the questions. Dialog 2 Rangga: You look very busy. May I help you? Selvi: Yes, please. Rangga: What can I do for you? Selvi: Please select the books which are still useable and readable. Rangga: O.K. What are you going to do with those books? Selvi: I plan to open a small library in this village, so I am collecting my old books. Rangga: A small library? Selvi: Yes. I want to increase the children's habits of reading. Rangga: What a great idea! What if I help you collect my old books? I have many unused books in my warehouse and I will give them for free. Selvi: Thanks a lot. Rangga: My pleasure. Answer the following questions based on the dialogs in Activity 9. Dialog 2 Where does the dialog take place?

Read the following dialogs in proper pronunciation.
Pay attention to the words in bold and answer the questions.

Dialog 2

Rangga: You look very busy. May I help you?

Selvi: Yes, please.

Rangga: What can I do for you?

Selvi: Please select the books which are still useable and readable.

Rangga: O.K. What are you going to do with those books?

Selvi: I plan to open a small library in this village, so I am collecting my old books.

Rangga: A small library?

Selvi: Yes. I want to increase the children's habits of reading.

Rangga: What a great idea! What if I help you collect my old books? I have many unused books in my warehouse and I will give them for free.

Selvi: Thanks a lot.

Rangga: My pleasure.

Answer the following questions based on the dialogs in Activity 9.

Dialog 2

Where does the dialog take place?space 

  1. ....space 

  2. ....undefined 

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D. Danti

Master Teacher

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Arti pertanyaannya adalah "Dimana percakapan tersebut terjadi/berlangsung? Untuk menjawabnya, kitaperlu melihat konteks pembicaraannya. Percakapan tersebut mengenai rencana Selvi membuka perpustakaan. Hal ini dapatdilihat pada saat ia mengatakan " I plan to open a small library in this village, so I am collecting my old books. " yang artinya "Saya berencana membuka perpustakaan kecil di desa ini, jadi aku mengumpulkan buku-buku lamaku". Hal ini menunjukkan bahwapercakapan tersebut terjadi di rumah Selvi yang terletak di sebuah desa. Berdasarkan penjelasan tersebut, jawabannya adalah the dialog takes places in Selvi's house located ina village.

Arti pertanyaannya adalah "Dimana percakapan tersebut terjadi/berlangsung?
Untuk menjawabnya, kita perlu melihat konteks pembicaraannya. Percakapan tersebut mengenai rencana Selvi membuka perpustakaan. Hal ini dapat dilihat pada saat ia mengatakan "I plan to open a small library in this village, so I am collecting my old books." yang artinya "Saya berencana membuka perpustakaan kecil di desa ini, jadi aku mengumpulkan buku-buku lamaku".

Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa percakapan tersebut terjadi di rumah Selvi yang terletak di sebuah desa.undefined

Berdasarkan penjelasan tersebut, jawabannya adalah the dialog takes places in Selvi's house located in a village.

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What do the speakers doing?



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