


Read the following dialogs in proper pronunciation. Pay attention to the words in bold and answer the questions. Dialog 1 Mr. Alex: Good morning, Ma'am. What can I do for you? Mrs. Prita: Good morning, Sir. My family and I plan to spend our holiday in Lombok. May I know tourpackages you. have? Mr. Alex: Sure, Ma'am. When will you have a trip to Lombok? Mrs. Prita: Next month. Mr. Alex: O.K. We have several tour packages to Lombok. You can choose one. Mrs. Prita: What's the difference between the tour packages? Mr. Alex: We offer tour packages in different number of days. Mrs. Prita: Only that? Mr. Alex: No. The types of accommodation, such as hotels and flight tickets, also determines the rates. Please see the details in this brochure. Mrs. Prita: Alright. Let me see. What about the tour guide? Mr. Alex: We have professional guides. Mrs. Prita: O.K. I will choose this tour package. Mr. Alex: Will you pay in cash or credit card? Mrs. Prita: I will pay in credit card. Here is my card. Mr. Alex: Sure. Thanks. Let me processit. Mrs. Prita: Thank you. Dialog 2 Rangga: You look very busy. May I help you? Selvi: Yes, please. Rangga: What can I do for you? Selvi: Please select the books which are still useable and readable. Rangga: O.K. What are you going to do with those books? Selvi: I plan to open a small library in this village, so I am collecting my old books. Rangga: A small library? Selvi: Yes. I want to increase the children's habits of reading. Rangga: What a great idea! What if I help you collect my old books? I have many unused books in my warehouse and I will give them for free. Selvi: Thanks a lot. Rangga: My pleasure. Questions: When does a person say such sentences?

Read the following dialogs in proper pronunciation.
Pay attention to the words in bold and answer the questions.

Dialog 1

Mr. Alex: Good morning, Ma'am. What can I do for you?

Mrs. Prita: Good morning, Sir. My family and I plan to spend our holiday in Lombok. May I know tour packages you. have?

Mr. Alex: Sure, Ma'am. When will you have a trip to Lombok?

Mrs. Prita: Next month.

Mr. Alex: O.K. We have several tour packages to Lombok. You can choose one.

Mrs. Prita: What's the difference between the tour packages?

Mr. Alex: We offer tour packages in different number of days.

Mrs. Prita: Only that?

Mr. Alex: No. The types of accommodation, such as hotels and flight tickets, also determines the rates. Please see the details in this brochure.

Mrs. Prita: Alright. Let me see. What about the tour guide?

Mr. Alex: We have professional guides.

Mrs. Prita: O.K. I will choose this tour package.

Mr. Alex: Will you pay in cash or credit card?

Mrs. Prita: I will pay in credit card. Here is my card.

Mr. Alex: Sure. Thanks. Let me process it.

Mrs. Prita: Thank you.

Dialog 2

Rangga: You look very busy. May I help you?

Selvi: Yes, please.

Rangga: What can I do for you?

Selvi: Please select the books which are still useable and readable.

Rangga: O.K. What are you going to do with those books?

Selvi: I plan to open a small library in this village, so I am collecting my old books.

Rangga: A small library?

Selvi: Yes. I want to increase the children's habits of reading.

Rangga: What a great idea! What if I help you collect my old books? I have many unused books in my warehouse and I will give them for free.

Selvi: Thanks a lot.

Rangga: My pleasure.


When does a person say such sentences?space 

  1. ....space 

  2. ....undefined 


A. Lee

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi




Pada soal ini terdapat pertanyaan w hen does a person say such sentences? (kapan seseorang mengatakan kalimat tersebut?) Kalimat yang dimaksud adalah kalimat yang ditebalkan, yakni what can I do for you?, may I help you?, dan what if I help you collect my old books? (apa yang bisa saya lakukan untukmu?, bolehkah saya membantumu?, dan bagaimana jika saya membantumu mengumpulkanbuku lamaku?). Dapat dilihat di sinibahwa ketiga kalimat tersebut menunjukkan ungkapan untuk menawarkan bantuan. Dari penjelasan di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa jawabannya adalah a person says such sentences when he/she is offering help.

Pada soal ini terdapat pertanyaan when does a person say such sentences? (kapan seseorang mengatakan kalimat tersebut?)

Kalimat yang dimaksud adalah kalimat yang ditebalkan, yakni what can I do for you?, may I help you?, dan what if I help you collect my old books? (apa yang bisa saya lakukan untukmu?, bolehkah saya membantumu?, dan bagaimana jika saya membantumu mengumpulkan buku lamaku?). Dapat dilihat di sini bahwa ketiga kalimat tersebut menunjukkan ungkapan untuk menawarkan bantuan.

Dari penjelasan di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa jawabannya adalah a person says such sentences when he/she is offering help.undefined

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