


Read the dialogues and answer the questions. Dialogue 1 Dian: What is that? Rima: Which one? Dian: That thing over there on the table. Rima: There are several items on the table. Which one? Dian: The thing that looks like a blue ball. It has a painting on it. Rima: I see. That's a globe. Dian: A globe? What is a globe? Rima: A globe is a miniature of our Earth. It pictures how the Earth looks like. The painting on the globe is a map. The blue colour indicates the sea. A globe tells you the location of a place on Earth. Dian: I see. Thanks for the information. Rima: Anytime, Dian. What are the characteristics of the item they are talking about?

Read the dialogues and answer the questions.

Dialogue 1

Dian: What is that? 

Rima: Which one? 

Dian: That thing over there on the table. 

Rima: There are several items on the table. Which one? 

Dian: The thing that looks like a blue ball. It has a painting on it. 

Rima: I see. That's a globe. 

Dian: A globe? What is a globe? 

Rima: A globe is a miniature of our Earth. It pictures how the Earth looks like. The painting on the globe is a map. The blue colour indicates the sea. A globe tells you the location of a place on Earth. 

Dian:  I see. Thanks for the information.

Rima: Anytime, Dian.

What are the characteristics of the item they are talking about? 

  1. ...undefined 

  2. ...undefined 


A. Lee

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang paling tepat adalah " It looks like a blue ball and has painting on it."

jawaban yang paling tepat adalah "It looks like a blue ball and has painting on it."space 




Karakteristik yang dimaksud di sini adalah seperti apa rupa atau tampilan dari benda tersebut.. Jawaban dari pertanyaan ini terdapat pada dialog Dian yang berbunyi, " The thing that looks lika a blue ball. It has painting on it ". Artinya "Benda yang terlihat seperti bola berwarna biru. Terdapat gambar di permukaannya." Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah " It looks like a blue ball and has painting on it."

Karakteristik yang dimaksud di sini adalah seperti apa rupa atau tampilan dari benda tersebut..

Jawaban dari pertanyaan ini terdapat pada dialog Dian yang berbunyi, "The thing that looks lika a blue ball. It has painting on it". Artinya "Benda yang terlihat seperti bola berwarna biru. Terdapat gambar di permukaannya."

Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah "It looks like a blue ball and has painting on it."space 

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Jawaban terverifikasi


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