


Read the cause and write an effect. Then, write one full sentence that states the cause and effect. Example: Cause: A blizzard hit the city. Effect: All the schools were closed. Sentence: A blizzard hit the city, so all the schools were closed. Cause: I planted some sunflower seeds. Effect: ____. Sentence: ____.

Read the cause and write an effect. Then, write one full sentence that states the cause and effect.


Cause: A blizzard hit the city.

Effect: All the schools were closed.

Sentence: A blizzard hit the city, so all the schools were closed.

Cause: I planted some sunflower seeds.

Effect: ____.

Sentence: ____.


F. Aulia

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Indonesia

Jawaban terverifikasi


my terrace is decorated by sunflowers now.

my terrace is decorated by sunflowers now.



Pada soal di atas, kalimat sebabnya apabila diterjemahkan berbunyi "Aku menanam beberapa bibit bunga matahari." Contoh akibat yang dapat ditimbulkan oleh sebab tersebut adalah "Terasku dihiasi bunga mataharisekarang." atau yang apabila diterjemahkan berbunyi " My terrace is decorated by sunflowersnow ." Dengan menggunakan conjunction hence , kalimat sebab akibat yang terbentuk akan menjadi " I planted some sunflower seed; hence my terrace is decorated by sunflowers now ." Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah: Effect:My terrace is decorated by sunflowers now. Sentence:I planted some sunflower seed; hence my terrace is decorated by sunflowers now.

Pada soal di atas, kalimat sebabnya apabila diterjemahkan berbunyi "Aku menanam beberapa bibit bunga matahari." Contoh akibat yang dapat ditimbulkan oleh sebab tersebut adalah "Terasku dihiasi bunga matahari sekarang." atau yang apabila diterjemahkan berbunyi "My terrace is decorated by sunflowers now." Dengan menggunakan conjunction hence, kalimat sebab akibat yang terbentuk akan menjadi "I planted some sunflower seed; hence my terrace is decorated by sunflowers now."

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah:

Effect: My terrace is decorated by sunflowers now.

Sentence: I planted some sunflower seed; hence my terrace is decorated by sunflowers now.

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