

To: Resource inc. Staff, Resource inc. Clients
Subject: Promotion Anoouncement - John David 

Dear staff,
I would like to announce the promotion of John David as a new marketing Head of Resource inc. John has worked for our company for twelve years and climbed his professional leader with absolute adeptness, which is rare nowadays.
As marketing manager of Resource inc., he has bought a huge percentage of the company business. His influence on sale and business retention has been substantial and he possesses an excellent record of customer relations and timely service delivery. 
During John's time in the marketing department, he has taken on additional responsibility and worked extra hours to meet deadline. We anticipate that as a head of marketing department, John's input and work aggression will be multifold. His work duties now include creating and implementing marketing plans for the Amadeus project that has been entrusted to the company. He will be leading the marketing team through this five-year project and will also be working on various other concurrent projects.
Let us all congratulate John on his outstanding performance in previous years, which led to hid promotion today. I wish him luck for all futur endeavors he undertakes. 

Mark Corelli
Director Marketing and Communication
Resource inc. 

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A. Acfreelance

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tentu saja yang tertarik membaca pengumuman tersebut adalah pegawai yang akan dibawahi oleh John David yaitu pegawai-pegawai pada divisi marketing di Resource inc.

tentu saja yang tertarik membaca pengumuman tersebut adalah pegawai yang akan dibawahi oleh John David yaitu pegawai-pegawai pada divisi marketing di Resource inc. 


Pada pengumuman di atas, disampaikan bahwa John David mendapatkan promosi jabatan menjadi marketing head of Resource inc. Jadi, tentu saja yang tertarik membaca pengumuman tersebut adalah pegawai yang akan dibawahi oleh John David yaitu pegawai-pegawai pada divisi marketing di Resource inc.

Pada pengumuman di atas, disampaikan bahwa John David mendapatkan promosi jabatan menjadi marketing head of Resource inc.  

Jadi, tentu saja yang tertarik membaca pengumuman tersebut adalah pegawai yang akan dibawahi oleh John David yaitu pegawai-pegawai pada divisi marketing di Resource inc. 

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Jl. Dr. Saharjo No.161, Manggarai Selatan, Tebet, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12860

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