


Read and practice the following dialogs. Dialog 2 Rangga: You look very pale, Mom. Mrs. Lysa: Yes. I am a bit dizzy. l need to have more rest. Rangga: You had better rest now. What can I do for you, Mom? Mrs. Lysa: Please water the plants and feed the pets. Don't forget to clean the pens. Rangga: Yes, Mom. by the way, have you taken medicines yet? Mrs. Lysa: Not yet. I have no time to go to the pharmacy. Rangga: I will go to the pharmacy and get the medicine for you, Mom. After that, I will water the plants and feed the pets. Mrs. Lysa: Good son! Here is the money. Rangga: O.K. I will be back soon. Mrs. Lysa: Yes, thanks, dear. Rangga: Don't mention it. Answer the questions based on the dialogs in Activity 4. Dialog 2 What happens to Mrs. Lysa?

Read and practice the following dialogs.

Dialog 2

Rangga: You look very pale, Mom.

Mrs. Lysa: Yes. I am a bit dizzy. l need to have more rest.

Rangga: You had better rest now. What can I do for you, Mom?

Mrs. Lysa: Please water the plants and feed the pets. Don't forget to clean the pens.

Rangga: Yes, Mom. by the way, have you taken medicines yet?

Mrs. Lysa: Not yet. I have no time to go to the pharmacy.

Rangga: I will go to the pharmacy and get the medicine for you, Mom. After that, I will water the plants and feed the pets.

Mrs. Lysa: Good son! Here is the money.

Rangga: O.K. I will be back soon.

Mrs. Lysa: Yes, thanks, dear.

Rangga: Don't mention it.

Answer the questions based on the dialogs in Activity 4.
Dialog 2

What happens to Mrs. Lysa?space 

  1. ....space 

  2. ....undefined 


A. Lee

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi




Pertanyaannya adalah what happens to Mrs. Lysa? (Apa yang terjadi pada Ibu Lysa?). Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, kalian bisa melihat bahwa pada awal dialog, Rangga mengatakan "you look very pale, Mom" (ibu terlihat sangat pucat) kemudian Ibu Lysa menjawab " Yes. I am a bit dizzy. l need to have more rest. " (Ya, ibu merasa sedikit pusing. Ibu harus istirahat). Nah, dari sini sudah dapat dilihat bahwa kondisi Ibu Lysa sedang sakit atau sedikit pusing. Dari penjelasan di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa jawaban yang tepat adalah s he is a bit dizzy and needs more rest.

Pertanyaannya adalah what happens to Mrs. Lysa? (Apa yang terjadi pada Ibu Lysa?).
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, kalian bisa melihat bahwa pada awal dialog, Rangga mengatakan "you look very pale, Mom" (ibu terlihat sangat pucat) kemudian Ibu Lysa menjawab "Yes. I am a bit dizzy. l need to have more rest." (Ya, ibu merasa sedikit pusing. Ibu harus istirahat). Nah, dari sini sudah dapat dilihat bahwa kondisi Ibu Lysa sedang sakit atau sedikit pusing.

Dari penjelasan di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa jawaban yang tepat adalah she is a bit dizzy and needs more rest.undefined

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!


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Pertanyaan serupa

Read the following dialogs. Then, answer the questions that follow. Dialog 2 Chintya: You look very confused. Ditya: Yes. I'm looking for my motorcycle key. Chintya: Don't you remember ...



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