


Questions number 6 to 10 are based on this text! Euthanasia is known as many different things like mercy killing, physician assisted suicide, and the right to die, but they all mean the same thing. Euthanasia is administering a lethal dosage of a certain medication, or ending all life support means, and letting a person who is terminally ill pass away at their own will. Many different things charge the debate surrounding this hot button issue. One strong argument to support euthanasia is that people who are living with a terminal illness, or who are in an irreversible coma, are suffering. The pain can be debilitating, and the only option for these people are to take copious amounts of drugs and painkillers to help numb the pain even just a little bit. Euthanasia gives these people a way to stop their and their family’s suffering. Besides, a person that is bed-ridden and sick is at the mercy of nurses, medical staff, and family for things like eating, using the restroom, changing clothes, and bathing. This can be very degrading for a person, and many do not want to be a burden or remembered by their family in such a way. Giving them the opportunity to choose when they die and how they die let them take control of their own life, and the ability to say what they want to say or do for their family before their death. However, the opposition believe that religious, moral, and ethical values all must take importance and that death should come naturally as it is intended to. It is viewed as one of the ultimate sins against God. Furthermore, it can devalue human lives. By allowing our doctors to actively kill people, they will begin to see euthanasia as a solution and it will begin to be misused. This also gives the impression to other places and young children that the human life has a lesser value. Euthanasia can be right but can be so wrong, because every person’s situation is unique. But to me, trying to force a moral equivalency on someone when those who are taking such an action have no idea about what it means to live in that situation is unacceptable. The advantages and disadvantages of euthanasia must also look at the doctor’s, the patient’s family, and the other people involved with the decision. If someone is mentally fit and wishes to proceed in this manner instead of hoping for a miracle, then this option can help them to make it a reality. How is the second paragraph related to the third paragraph?

Questions number 6 to 10 are based on this text!

Euthanasia is known as many different things like mercy killing, physician assisted suicide, and the right to die, but they all mean the same thing. Euthanasia is administering a lethal dosage of a certain medication, or ending all life support means, and letting a person who is terminally ill pass away at their own will. Many different things charge the debate surrounding this hot button issue.

One strong argument to support euthanasia is that people who are living with a terminal illness, or who are in an irreversible coma, are suffering. The pain can be debilitating, and the only option for these people are to take copious amounts of drugs and painkillers to help numb the pain even just a little bit. Euthanasia gives these people a way to stop their and their family’s suffering.

Besides, a person that is bed-ridden and sick is at the mercy of nurses, medical staff, and family for things like eating, using the restroom, changing clothes, and bathing. This can be very degrading for a person, and many do not want to be a burden or remembered by their family in such a way. Giving them the opportunity to choose when they die and how they die let them take control of their own life, and the ability to say what they want to say or do for their family before their death.

However, the opposition believe that religious, moral, and ethical values all must take importance and that death should come naturally as it is intended to. It is viewed as one of the ultimate sins against God. Furthermore, it can devalue human lives. By allowing our doctors to actively kill people, they will begin to see euthanasia as a solution and it will begin to be misused. This also gives the impression to other places and young children that the human life has a lesser value.

Euthanasia can be right but can be so wrong, because every person’s situation is unique. But to me, trying to force a moral equivalency on someone when those who are taking such an action have no idea about what it means to live in that situation is unacceptable. The advantages and disadvantages of euthanasia must also look at the doctor’s, the patient’s family, and the other people involved with the decision. If someone is mentally fit and wishes to proceed in this manner instead of hoping for a miracle, then this option can help them to make it a reality.

How is the second paragraph related to the third paragraph?

  1. The arguments in the third paragraph are against those in the second paragraph.

  2. The third paragraph exemplifies the idea of the second paragraph.

  3. Both paragraph provide the arguments of those who are in favor of euthanasia.

  4. Both paragraph are the explanation on what makes people oppose euthanasia.

  5. The second paragraph is contrary to that idea in the third paragraph.


A. Mufida

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


hubungan antara paragraf dua dan tiga adalah C. kedua paragraf tersebut memberikan penjelasan argumen-argumen mereka yang mendukung euthanasia.

hubungan  antara paragraf dua dan tiga adalah C. kedua paragraf tersebut memberikan penjelasan argumen-argumen mereka yang mendukung euthanasia.



Paragraf kedua menjelaskan salah satu argument paling kuat untuk mendukung euthanasia yaitu “orang yang menderita penyakit mematikan itu menderita, sehingga euthanasia dapat dilakukan untuk menghentikan penderitaan mereka dan keluarganya.” Paragraf ketiga menjelaskan alasan lainnya untuk mendukung euthanasia yaitu “orang yang sakit dan terbaring di tempat tidur hanya mengandalkan rasa kasihan dari perawat, petugas medis dan keluarga untuk melakukan hal-hal seperti makan, menggunakan toilet, ganti pakaian dan mandi. Hal tersebut bisa sangat merendahkan bagi mereka dan mereka tidak ingin menjadi beban….” Jadi, hubungan antara paragraf dua dan tiga adalah C. kedua paragraf tersebut memberikan penjelasan argumen-argumen mereka yang mendukung euthanasia.

Paragraf kedua menjelaskan salah satu argument paling kuat untuk mendukung euthanasia yaitu “orang yang menderita penyakit mematikan itu menderita, sehingga euthanasia dapat dilakukan untuk menghentikan penderitaan mereka dan keluarganya.” Paragraf ketiga menjelaskan alasan lainnya untuk mendukung euthanasia yaitu “orang yang sakit dan terbaring di tempat tidur hanya mengandalkan rasa kasihan dari perawat, petugas medis dan keluarga untuk melakukan hal-hal seperti makan, menggunakan toilet, ganti pakaian dan mandi. Hal tersebut bisa sangat merendahkan bagi mereka dan mereka tidak ingin menjadi beban….” Jadi, hubungan  antara paragraf dua dan tiga adalah C. kedua paragraf tersebut memberikan penjelasan argumen-argumen mereka yang mendukung euthanasia.

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