


27. Read this text carefully

The number of "Joe" Restaurant's customers is declining

The number of customers eating in "Joe" restaurant is declining sharply from July 2013 until December 2013. This is shown in. the column graph below.

    The graph shows the number of people eating at "Joe." In July, there were 200 customers. This was due to the grand opening of the restaurant. In the following month, the number decreased by half, to 100 people. In September, the number fell to 50 people. Next, in October, there was just a small increase. Only 75 people dined in the restaurant. But in November the number fell again, to 50. In December, there was no progress in numbers. Only 25 people dined in "Joe" restaurant.

    From the graph shown above, it is clear that the number of "Joe" restaurant customers are declining.

Questions: Can you make a similar report for a library, a shoe store, a book store, etc? Write a short report in analytical form.


Can you make a similar report for a library, a shoe store, a book store, etc? Write a short report in analytical form.


N. Supriyaningsih

Master Teacher

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Makna dari kalimat di atas adalah "dapatkah Anda membuat laporan serupa untuk perpustakaan, toko sepatu, toko buku, dll? Tulis laporan singkat dalam bentuk analitik." Berikut adalah contoh laporan pengunjung dari sebuah toko buku: The number of K-Town Book Store'svisitorsis increasing The graph shows the number of people visiting at K-Town Book Store. In January, there were only 250visitors.In the following month, the number increase by half, to 500people. In March, the number tripled from first monthto 750 people. Next, in April, there was just a decrease to 500 people. But in Maythe number rises again, to 1000. In Jun, there was sharp inclinein numbers. The visitors became 2000in that month due to the big promotion gave by the Book Store.

Makna dari kalimat di atas adalah "dapatkah Anda membuat laporan serupa untuk perpustakaan, toko sepatu, toko buku, dll? Tulis laporan singkat dalam bentuk analitik." Berikut adalah contoh laporan pengunjung dari sebuah toko buku:

The number of K-Town Book Store's visitors is increasing


The graph shows the number of people visiting at K-Town Book Store. In January, there were only 250 visitors. In the following month, the number increase by half, to 500 people. In March, the number tripled from first month to 750 people. Next, in April, there was just a decrease to 500 people. But in May the number rises again, to 1000. In Jun, there was sharp incline in numbers. The visitors became 2000 in that month due to the big promotion gave by the Book Store.

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Alika Nasywa Zhafirah

Makasih ❤️



Pertanyaan serupa

Look at the chart and answer the question! How many site(s) did the internet user use the most in either year?



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