


Questions 6—7 are based on the following text. (1) Siberia is the part of Russia that is in Asia. It covers wide landscapes, and stretches from the Ural Mountains to the Pacific. It goes from the Arctic Ocean to the border with China and Mongolia. Siberia covers about 77% of all Russian territory, but only 28% of Russians live there. It is one of the coldest places on Earth where people live, 70% of people in Siberia live in cities. (6) Novosibirsk is the largest city in Siberia, ... a population near 1.5 million. Omsk and Krasnoyarsk also have populations of over a million people. (Taken from wikipedia.org/Siberia) What is the appropriate title for the text?

Questions 6—7 are based on the following text.

(1) Siberia is the part of Russia that is in Asia. It covers wide landscapes, and stretches from the Ural Mountains to the Pacific. It goes from the Arctic Ocean to the border with China and Mongolia. Siberia covers about 77% of all Russian territory, but only 28% of Russians live there. It is one of the coldest places on Earth where people live, 70% of people in Siberia live in cities.

(6) Novosibirsk is the largest city in Siberia, ... a population near 1.5 million. Omsk and Krasnoyarsk also have populations of over a million people.

(Taken from wikipedia.org/Siberia)

What is the appropriate title for the text?

  1. North Asia

  2. Siberia

  3. Novosibirsk

  4. Part of Russia


D. Danti

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi



Teks deskripsi di atas berisi penggambaran tentang Siberia dari sisi geografis dan populasi. Maka judul yang tepat untuk teks di atas adalah opsi B. Siberia.

Teks deskripsi di atas berisi penggambaran tentang Siberia dari sisi geografis dan populasi. Maka judul yang tepat untuk teks di atas adalah opsi B. Siberia.

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