


  • "Fear not! The heavens sent me to be your son!"
  • "What a hugepeach."
  • "Let's divide it by half and eat it while it's fresh."
  • "It looks so delicious."
  • "Look! I found a giant peach for our dinner."
  • "Wait! Don't cut me!"

Put direct speech from the box into the story. Momotaro the Peach Boy A long time ago, there was an old woodcutter in Japan. As he had no children, he lived with only his wife. One day, the old man went into the mountain to cut firewood while the old woman went to wash clothes at the river. She saw a big peach coming down the river. It was so big that she was astounded. Curious, she pulled the peach out and brought it home. 1) , she said. When the old man came home, his wife showed the peach to him and said 2) 3) , said the old man. He said to his wife, 4) .Suddenly, a human sound came out of the peach 5) . Then a baby boy split the peach open and crawled outside. The old man and his wife were very shocked, but the baby assured them 6) . How happy the couple were that a baby was sent to them. They named him Momotaro or Peach Boy, as he was born froma peach. They raised the baby as their son.

Put direct speech from the box into the story.

Momotaro the Peach Boy

    A long time ago, there was an old woodcutter in Japan. As he had no children, he lived with only his wife.

    One day, the old man went into the mountain to cut firewood while the old woman went to wash clothes at the river. She saw a big peach coming down the river. It was so big that she was astounded. Curious, she pulled the peach out and brought it home. 1)           , she said.

    When the old man came home, his wife showed the peach to him and said 2)            3)           , said the old man. He said to his wife, 4)           . Suddenly, a human sound came out of the peach 5)           . Then a baby boy split the peach open and crawled outside. The old man and his wife were very shocked, but the baby assured them 6)           .

    How happy the couple were that a baby was sent to them. They named him Momotaro or Peach Boy, as he was born froma peach. They raised the baby as their son.


A. Acfreelance

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang paling tepat adalah "Fear not! The heavens sent me to be your son!"

jawaban yang paling tepat adalah "Fear not! The heavens sent me to be your son!"



Kita akan membahas bagian rumpang nomor 6. Arti dari direct speech yang ada adalah seperti berikut, "Jangan takut! Dewa mengirimku untuk menjadi anak laki-laki kalian." "Betapa besarnya buah persik ini." "Mari bagi jadi dua dan makan buah ini selagi masih segar." "Terlihat sangat lezat." "Lihat! Aku menemukan buah persik raksasa untuk makan malam kita." "Tunggu! Jangan potong aku." Pada bagian rumpang no 6, the baby boy atau si anak kecil yang muncul dari dalam buah sangat mengejutkan si pasangan tua, namun anak kecil itu berkata sesuatu untuk menenangkan mereka berdua. Direct speech yang cocok diucapkan oleh si anak kecil tersebut adalah"Jangan takut! Dewa mengirimku untuk menjadi anak laki-laki kalian" atau "Fear not! The heavens sent me to be your son!" Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah "Fear not! The heavens sent me to be your son!"

Kita akan membahas bagian rumpang nomor 6.

Arti dari direct speech yang ada adalah seperti berikut,

  • "Jangan takut! Dewa mengirimku untuk menjadi anak laki-laki kalian."
  • "Betapa besarnya buah persik ini."
  • "Mari bagi jadi dua dan makan buah ini selagi masih segar."
  • "Terlihat sangat lezat."
  • "Lihat! Aku menemukan buah persik raksasa untuk makan malam kita."
  • "Tunggu! Jangan potong aku."

Pada bagian rumpang no 6, the baby boy atau si anak kecil yang muncul dari dalam buah sangat mengejutkan si pasangan tua, namun anak kecil itu berkata sesuatu untuk menenangkan mereka berdua.

Direct speech yang cocok diucapkan oleh si anak kecil tersebut adalah "Jangan takut! Dewa mengirimku untuk menjadi anak laki-laki kalian" atau "Fear not! The heavens sent me to be your son!"

Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah "Fear not! The heavens sent me to be your son!"

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When is present tense used?



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