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    Waisai City is the capital of Raja Am pat Regency. Close to it, a recommend village resides. The name of the village is Sauwandarek, and it belongs to Meos Mansar District. Most people come to the village to either witness or buy numerus options of local crafts made by villagers. Some tourists even call it the best spot to buy handicrafts or souvenirs when spending a holiday in Raja Ampat. Due to this reason, visiting Sauwandarek is a must!

    Sauwandarek Village has a good reputation among travelers. No wonder, it becomes more popular over time. Apart from its beautiful handicrafts, the settle is also famous for its strategic location, which is near the beach. Tourists may expect coconut trees and flawless sand there. Several houses are even seen near the coast despite their traditional look. Visitors can also interact with local kids and villagers, as they are quite approachable.

    Sauwandarek is one of the most popularity villages in Raja Ampat Regency. As mentioned before, it has an outstanding creativity for produce handicrafts. Most villagers earn money from such activities. They introduce their works and sell them to tourists. There is about 46 household and the number keeps increasing as time goes by. These people live in traditional houses and have a simple life. Almost all women work as craft makers, and their popular products are noken (bags) and traditional hats.

    Sauwandarek Village also offers a stunning beach, on which tourists can explore. It is because the seawater becomes home of majesty corals. Thus, snorkeling is a good option to spend time in this village. Apart from those corals, small seahorses also live there. Not to mention, there are coral fishes and mantis shrimps. Sometimes, blue ring octopuses are also seen in the water! With all these nautical attract, no one would turn down the offer for snorkeling or swimming. The visibility is good, as well.

    On the shoreline, tourists can enjoy grill fish, offered by local eateries. Once they eat such a delicious dish, they may continue to a nearby tourist spot called Lake Yenauwyau. Even though it is located apart from the sea, the water is salt. Close to this natural pond, there is a small dock, on which tourists can relax and witness a beautiful sunset. What's more? Another attraction in Sauwandarek Village is the presence of endemic birds, called Maleo. They are indeed beautiful!

Adapted from: https://web.archive.org/web/20200315101516/https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/west-papua/raja-ampat/sauwandarek_ village.html (February 13, 2021)




D. Danti

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah popular .

jawaban yang benar adalah popular.




Kata yang bercetak tebal pada teks adalah kata yang secara gramatikal belum tepat. Soal ini meminta untuk mengidentifikasi kesalahannya dan melakukan pembenaran. Popularity : kata ini salah karena merupakan kata benda. Dalam konteks kalimat “ Sauwandarek is one of the most popularity villages in Raja Ampat Regency ”, kata popularity seharusnya diganti kedalam bentuk adjective frasa popular villages, dengan tujuan melengkapi kata noun (kata benda) yaitu villages . Bentuk adjective dari popularity adalah popular . Maka, kata popularity harus diganti dengan kata popular sehingga terbentukyaitu popular villages . Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah popular .

Kata yang bercetak tebal pada teks adalah kata yang secara gramatikal belum tepat.

Soal ini meminta untuk mengidentifikasi kesalahannya dan melakukan pembenaran.

Popularity : kata ini salah karena merupakan kata benda.

Dalam konteks kalimat “Sauwandarek is one of the most popularity villages in Raja Ampat Regency”, kata popularity seharusnya diganti kedalam bentuk adjective frasa popular villages, dengan tujuan melengkapi kata noun (kata benda) yaitu villages

Bentuk adjective dari popularity adalah popular.

Maka, kata popularity harus diganti dengan kata popular sehingga terbentuk yaitu popular villages.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah popular.

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