


Phuket is the larges island in Thailand, a 540 square kilometers, it's about the same size as Singapore. Just over an hour by jet from Bangkok or Singapore, and with daily connections to most major Asian airports, Phuket is ideally situated for a short break or relaxing vacation. Phuket covers land and many sandy beaches. It is a diverse and fascinating island to explore. A rich culture, a beautiful coastline, spectacular natural sight, loads of outdoor sports and activities, shopping, nihgtlife, and dining are just few of its attractions. Just offshore are dozen of smaller island, easily reached by boat. The natural wonders of the mainland, found just beyond Pukhet over the bridges to the north of the island, are also closed at hand. Many tourist come to Phuket every year to see the beautiful view of it. One of the beautiful beaches had been displayed in a film, "The Beach", which was acted by the Hollywood actor, Leonardo Di Caprio in 1999. People come to Phuket to see ...

Phuket is the larges island in Thailand, a 540 square kilometers, it's about the same size as Singapore. Just over an hour by jet from Bangkok or Singapore, and with daily connections to most major Asian airports, Phuket is ideally situated for a short break or relaxing vacation.

Phuket covers land and many sandy beaches. It is a diverse and fascinating island to explore. A rich culture, a beautiful coastline, spectacular natural sight, loads of outdoor sports and activities, shopping, nihgtlife, and dining are just few of its attractions. Just offshore are dozen of smaller island, easily reached by boat. The natural wonders of the mainland, found just beyond Pukhet over the bridges to the north of the island, are also closed at hand. Many tourist come to Phuket every year to see the beautiful view of it. One of the beautiful beaches had been displayed in a film, "The Beach", which was acted by the Hollywood actor, Leonardo Di Caprio in 1999.


People come to Phuket to see ...

  1. a famous film

  2. the major airport

  3. the Hollywood actor

  4. the beautiful view


A. Setyawan

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Sebelas Maret

Jawaban terverifikasi



Banyak orang datang ke Phuket karena pemandangannya yang indah, seperti yang ada pada kalimat ke enam paragraf terakhir, Many tourist come to Phuket every year to see the beautiful view of it. Maka jawaban D adalah jawaban yang tepat.

Banyak orang datang ke Phuket karena pemandangannya yang indah, seperti yang ada pada kalimat ke enam paragraf terakhir, Many tourist come to Phuket every year to see the beautiful view of it. Maka jawaban D adalah jawaban yang tepat.

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Pertanyaan serupa

Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d! The dialog is for questions number 1-3. Siti : Wow, your bedroom is very tidy, comfortable and large. Lisa : I think it is small. Siti :...



Jawaban terverifikasi


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