
Perrcepatan gravitasi di suatu planet setengah kali percepatan gravitasi bumi. Jika massa bumi 6.1024 kg dan diameter planet dua kali diameter bumi, maka massa planet adalah....

Perrcepatan gravitasi di suatu planet setengah kali percepatan gravitasi bumi. Jika massa bumi 6.1024 kg dan diameter planet dua kali diameter bumi, maka massa planet adalah.... 

  1. begin mathsize 14px style 1 comma 2 cross times 10 to the power of 25 space kg end style 

  2. begin mathsize 14px style 2 comma 0 cross times 10 to the power of 25 space kg end style 

  3. begin mathsize 14px style 2 comma 4 cross times 10 to the power of 25 space kg end style  

  4. begin mathsize 14px style 3 comma 0 cross times 10 to the power of 25 space kg end style  

  5. begin mathsize 14px style 4 comma 8 cross times 10 to the power of 25 space kg end style 

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jawaban yang benar adalah A


Diketahui: Ditanya: Jawab Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah A

begin mathsize 14px style table attributes columnalign right center left columnspacing 0px end attributes row cell g subscript p l a n e t end subscript end cell equals cell 1 half g subscript b u m i end subscript end cell row cell m subscript b u m i end subscript end cell equals cell 6 cross times 10 to the power of 24 k g end cell row cell d subscript p l a n e t end subscript end cell equals cell 2 d subscript b u m i end subscript end cell row cell r subscript p l a n e t end subscript end cell equals cell 2 r subscript b u m i end subscript end cell end table end style 

begin mathsize 14px style m subscript p l a n e t end subscript equals blank ? end style 


begin mathsize 14px style table attributes columnalign right center left columnspacing 0px end attributes row g equals cell G m over r squared end cell row cell g subscript p l a n e t end subscript end cell equals cell 1 half g subscript b u m i end subscript end cell row cell G m subscript p l a n e t end subscript over r subscript p l a n e t end subscript squared blank end cell equals cell 1 half G m subscript b u m i end subscript over r subscript b u m i end subscript squared end cell row cell m subscript p l a n e t end subscript over 2 r subscript b u m i end subscript squared blank end cell equals cell 1 half fraction numerator 6 cross times 10 to the power of 24 k g blank over denominator r subscript b u m i end subscript squared end fraction end cell row cell m subscript p l a n e t end subscript over 4 r subscript b u m i end subscript squared blank end cell equals cell 1 half fraction numerator 6 cross times 10 to the power of 24 k g blank over denominator r subscript b u m i end subscript squared end fraction end cell row cell m subscript p l a n e t end subscript end cell equals cell 4.3.10 to the power of 24 end cell row cell m subscript p l a n e t end subscript end cell equals cell 12.10 to the power of 24 end cell row cell m subscript p l a n e t end subscript end cell equals cell 1 , 2.10 to the power of 25 space kg end cell end table end style 

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah A

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Dua buah planet a dan b masing-masing massanya Ma dan Mb yang terletak pada jarak X satu sama lain, sehingga bekerja gaya tarik menarik sebesar F . Oleh karena suatu sebab jarak kedua planet menjadi 2...



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