

Perhatikan kelompok tiga bilangan berikut ini! (1) 18,21,29 (3) 10,24,30 (2) 12,16,24 (4) 14,48,50 Yang merupakan tripel pythagoras adalah…

Perhatikan kelompok tiga bilangan berikut ini!

(1) 18,21,29                              

(3) 10,24,30

(2) 12,16,24                              

(4) 14,48,50

Yang merupakan tripel pythagoras adalah…

  1. (1)

  2. (2)

  3. (3)

  4. (4)

8 dari 10 siswa nilainya naik

dengan ruangbelajar

Habis dalam










H. Eka

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jawaban terverifikasi


(1) bukan termasuk tripel pythagoras (2) bukan termasuk tripel pythagoras (3) bukan termasuk tripel pythagoras (4) termasuk tripel pythagoras

(1) 18 comma space 21 comma space 29 space rightwards arrow bukan termasuk tripel pythagoras

     29 squared space... space 18 squared plus 21 squared 841 space... space 324 plus 441 841 not equal to 765

(2) stack stack 12 comma space 16 comma space 24 with underbrace below with 3 comma 4 comma 6 below space rightwards arrow bukan termasuk tripel pythagoras

    24 squared space... space 12 squared plus 24 squared 576 space... space 144 plus 256 576 not equal to 400

(3) stack stack 10 comma space 24 comma space 30 with underbrace below with 5 comma 12 comma 15 below space rightwards arrowbukan termasuk tripel pythagoras

    30 squared space... space 10 squared plus 24 squared 900 space... space 100 plus 576 900 not equal to 676

(4) begin mathsize 14px style stack stack 14 comma space 48 comma space 50 with underbrace below with 7 comma 24 comma 25 below space rightwards arrow end style termasuk tripel pythagoras

  50 squared space... space 14 squared plus 48 squared 2500 space... space 196 plus 2304 2500 space equals space 2500

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