


Look at the situations in the pictures below. What do you say to people's achievements?

Perhatikan gambar di atas, kemudian buatlah percakapan terkait congratulating dan compliment. (Look at the picture above, then make a conversation aboutcongratulating and compliment). Gambar no 1 sebagai contoh. X: My sister just graduated from the university. Y: Oh. Congratulations. What's your sister's major at college? X: She tookpharmacy. She is a pharmacist. Y: Wow, it is amazing. I hope your sister will open the medicine store.

Perhatikan gambar di atas, kemudian buatlah percakapan terkait congratulating dan compliment.
(Look at the picture above, then make a conversation about congratulating and compliment).

Gambar no 1 sebagai contoh.

X: My sister just graduated from the university.

Y: Oh. Congratulations. What's your sister's major at college?

X: She took pharmacy. She is a pharmacist.

Y: Wow, it is amazing. I hope your sister will open the medicine store.


A. Mufida

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi



Dalam Expression of Congratulating and Complimenting terdapat beberapa ekspresi/ungkapan yang dapat digunakan, antara lain: Congratulations on + Achievement (noun) Congratulations! I'm proud of you What + adjective + noun (what a great score) How + adjective + S + to be (how kind you are) etc Jadi, contoh percakapan dengan Expression of Congratulating and Complimenting adalah: A: Congratulations on the good mark! You got A+ inBiology test. B: Thanks. A: How smart you are.

Dalam Expression of Congratulating and Complimenting terdapat beberapa ekspresi/ungkapan yang dapat digunakan, antara lain:

  1. Congratulations on + Achievement (noun)
  2. Congratulations!
  3. I'm proud of you
  4. What + adjective + noun (what a great score)
  5. How + adjective + S + to be (how kind you are)
  6. etc

Jadi, contoh percakapan dengan Expression of Congratulating and Complimenting adalah:

A: Congratulations on the good mark! You got A+ in Biology test.

B: Thanks.

A: How smart you are.

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Pertanyaan serupa

Write the expressions of congratulating and giving compliment found in the dialogue! Then translate them!



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