


Pay attention to the underlined words. What do they have in common? What is their category in the parts of speech? 1. You are fabulous. 2. That was a nice lunch. 3. You've been a great help. 4. That color brown really looks good on you. 5. That's kind of you to say that. 6. Your sister is beautiful. 7. My father is a responsible man. 8. I have a bad feeling about this problem. 9. The view around the mountain is awesome. 10. My brother has polite manners. All of the underlined words can be categorized as ....

Pay attention to the underlined words. What do they have in common? What is their category in the parts of speech?

1. You are fabulous.

2. That was a nice lunch.

3. You've been a great help.

4. That color brown really looks good on you.

5. That's kind of you to say that.

6. Your sister is beautiful.

7. My father is a responsible man.

8. I have a bad feeling about this problem.

9. The view around the mountain is awesome.

10. My brother has polite manners.

All of the underlined words can be categorized as ....


D. Danti

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang mungkin benar adalah: The underlined words such as;fabulous, nice, great, good, kind, beautiful, responsible, bad, awesome, andpolite have in common. They are located after "to be" or "linking verb" and located before "noun". Then, in part of speech, all those words are categorized as adjectives that function to modify a noun.

jawaban yang mungkin benar adalah: The underlined words such as; fabulous, nice, great, good, kind, beautiful, responsible, bad, awesome, and polite have in common. They are located after "to be" or "linking verb" and located before "noun". Then, in part of speech, all those words are categorized as adjectives that function to modify a noun.



Soal memerintahkan untuk mencari kesamaan kata yang digarisbawahi lalu kata-kata tersebut dikategorikan sebagai apa dalam part of speech. Kata-kata yang digarisbawahi seperti; fabulous, nice, great, good, kind, beautiful, responsible, bad, awesome, dan polite memiliki persamaan, yaitu: Terletak setelah to be atau linking verb. (e.g. You are fabulous.) Terletak sebelum kata benda. (e.g.My father is a responsible man .) Kemudian, dalam part of speech , semua kata yang bergaris bawah dikategorikan sebagai kata sifat (adjective) yang berfungsi untuk menjelaskan kata benda. Jadi, jawaban yang mungkin benar adalah: The underlined words such as;fabulous, nice, great, good, kind, beautiful, responsible, bad, awesome, andpolite have in common. They are located after "to be" or "linking verb" and located before "noun". Then, in part of speech, all those words are categorized as adjectives that function to modify a noun.

Soal memerintahkan untuk mencari kesamaan kata yang digarisbawahi lalu kata-kata tersebut dikategorikan sebagai apa dalam part of speech.

Kata-kata yang digarisbawahi seperti; fabulous, nice, great, good, kind, beautiful, responsible, bad, awesome, dan polite memiliki persamaan, yaitu:

  • Terletak setelah to be atau linking verb. (e.g. You are fabulous.)
  • Terletak sebelum kata benda. (e.g. My father is a responsible man.)

Kemudian, dalam part of speech, semua kata yang bergaris bawah dikategorikan sebagai kata sifat (adjective) yang berfungsi untuk menjelaskan kata benda. 

Jadi, jawaban yang mungkin benar adalah: The underlined words such as; fabulous, nice, great, good, kind, beautiful, responsible, bad, awesome, and polite have in common. They are located after "to be" or "linking verb" and located before "noun". Then, in part of speech, all those words are categorized as adjectives that function to modify a noun.

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Pertanyaan serupa

Arrange the jumbled words to make good sentences. done/an/you/job/excellent/have



Jawaban terverifikasi


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