


Open Day Invitation The Staff, Governors and Children would like to invite you and your children to an Open Afternoon or Evening on Tuesday 26th November 1.30 p.m 2.00 p.m 2.30 p.m 6.30 p.m 7.00 p.m 7.30 p.m Tours of the school every half an hour There will be chance to explore the school further, meet the staff, children and governors and to see our exciting curriculum in action Intake for September 2016 is 120. Class sizes of 30. We look forward to meeting you What could the guest do at the school tours?

Open Day Invitation


The Staff, Governors and Children would like to invite you and your children to an Open Afternoon or Evening on


Tuesday 26th November

1.30 p.m 2.00 p.m 2.30 p.m

6.30 p.m 7.00 p.m 7.30 p.m

Tours of the school every half an hour

There will be chance to explore the school further, meet the staff, children and governors and to see our exciting curriculum in action

Intake for September 2016 is 120. Class sizes of 30.

We look forward to meeting you


What could the guest do at the school tours?

  1. To see the students action at the class

  2. To discuse with the staff and the governors

  3. To learn more about the school and curriculum

  4. To observase school facilities and school members


T. Tuawapat

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi



Berdasarkan kalimat “There will be chance to explore the school…”, dapat diketahui bahwa akan ada kesempatan untuk menjelajahi sekolah. Kata ‘chance’ memiliki arti ‘kesempatan’, sehingga pilihan kata yang memiliki makna yang mendekati dengan kata tersebut adalah (D) ‘opportunity’ atau ‘kesempatan’. Pilihan jawaban (A) ‘event’ atau ‘peristiwa’, (B) ‘facility’ atau ‘fasilitas’, (C) ‘moment’ atau ‘waktu’, bukanlah pilihan yang tepat.

Berdasarkan kalimat “There will be chance to explore the school…”, dapat diketahui bahwa akan ada kesempatan untuk menjelajahi sekolah. Kata ‘chance’ memiliki arti ‘kesempatan’, sehingga pilihan kata yang memiliki makna yang mendekati dengan kata tersebut adalah (D) ‘opportunity’ atau ‘kesempatan’. Pilihan jawaban (A) ‘event’ atau ‘peristiwa’, (B) ‘facility’ atau ‘fasilitas’, (C) ‘moment’ atau ‘waktu’, bukanlah pilihan yang tepat.

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!




Pertanyaan serupa

Why is the text written for?



Jawaban terverifikasi


Jl. Dr. Saharjo No.161, Manggarai Selatan, Tebet, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12860

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